Fine Gael, like Fianna Fail and Labour,, don’t give a damn about the north. Or more accurately, they care that it may interfere with their internal twenty-six counties politics. In the Irish Times today, Garret Fitzgerald has a piece recalling his visit north shortly after Bloody Sunday. Like the present Fine Gael leader, Fitzgerald acknowledged the existence of the north only when some crisis popped up which looked as if it might have repercussions for southern politics. In recent years, when southern politicians do address the north, it’s invariably to stress their concern for the plight of unionists, not nationalists. Mary Robinson, you’ll recall, resigned from the Irish Labour Party back in the 1980s because she felt the Anglo-Irish Agreement was unfair to unionists.
If you’re a northern nationalist or a nationalist anywhere in Ireland, you’d do well to remember that southern politicians, other than Sinn Féin, have been taught to dislike the north, to see it as ‘that place up there’, and they have learnt the lesson well.