Even though it’s nearly twenty years since the IRA ended its campaign, there are those in the south and the north who still draw back their garments, as it were, when Sinn Féin passes. As did Prince Philip with Martin McGuinness, presumably because he believed that McGuinness was a leading figure in the IRA at […]
June, 2012
Small bombs and big bombs – there’s a difference
Even though it’s nearly twenty years since the IRA ended its campaign, there are those in the south and the north who still draw back their garments, as it were, when Sinn Féin passes. As did Prince Philip with Martin McGuinness, presumably because he believed that McGuinness was a leading figure in the IRA at […]
Putting meat on the bones of a united Ireland
Billy Leonard is a republican. He is also a Protestant. Maybe it’s the Protestant work ethic inheritance that’s prompted him to do what (as far as I know) no one else has done: he’s thought in detail and written about what is meant by the term ‘a united Ireland’. Oh, and he’s outlined in practical terms […]
Putting meat on the bones of a united Ireland
Billy Leonard is a republican. He is also a Protestant. Maybe it’s the Protestant work ethic inheritance that’s prompted him to do what (as far as I know) no one else has done: he’s thought in detail and written about what is meant by the term ‘a united Ireland’. Oh, and he’s outlined in practical terms […]
White gloves? There was more to it than that…
While you were enjoying the footie, there was I, slaving away, trying to explain the facts of life to the people of Britain…http://bit.ly/JudeonNews24
White gloves? There was more to it than that…
While you were enjoying the footie, there was I, slaving away, trying to explain the facts of life to the people of Britain…http://bit.ly/JudeonNews24
Events, dear boy, and how to ‘analyse’ them
Is she gone yet? Can we come out now? Yes I think so. The ‘analysts’ are busy at work, interpreting the body language and the significance and the symbolism and the rest of it. I watched UTV’s report of the Tuesday visit and I felt it’d be putting impossible demands on my digestive system to […]
Events, dear boy, and how to ‘analyse’ them
Is she gone yet? Can we come out now? Yes I think so. The ‘analysts’ are busy at work, interpreting the body language and the significance and the symbolism and the rest of it. I watched UTV’s report of the Tuesday visit and I felt it’d be putting impossible demands on my digestive system to […]
Doing a victory war-dance: big mistake
‘It’s not what happens to you but how you react”: I think that was one of Maggie Thatcher’s favourite remarks. She herself reacted to being booted out of Downing Street by famously saying it was a funny old world and leaving with a tear in her eye, a woman clearly nursing the belief that she’d […]
Doing a victory war-dance: big mistake
‘It’s not what happens to you but how you react”: I think that was one of Maggie Thatcher’s favourite remarks. She herself reacted to being booted out of Downing Street by famously saying it was a funny old world and leaving with a tear in her eye, a woman clearly nursing the belief that […]