August, 2013

Gerry Kelly and that speech

As I write this, I’m on stand-by for a possible call from the Nolan Show on Radio Ulster/Raidio Uladh. The topic (which may or may not be debated this morning, depending on how much time other topics take) is Gerry Kelly’s praise of the Tyrone IRA Volunteers in his speech last Sunday, and his subsequent […]

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Gerry Kelly and that speech

As I write this, I’m on stand-by for a possible call from the Nolan Show on Radio Ulster/Raidio Uladh. The topic (which may or may not be debated this morning, depending on how much time other topics take) is Gerry Kelly’s praise of the Tyrone IRA Volunteers in his speech last Sunday, and his subsequent […]

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Fine Gael + Fianna Fail = ?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there are no flies on Mary O’Rourke of Fianna Fail. I’ve only been once in the audience at a talk by her. She was talking about some aspect of education in the south and I’ve forgotten every single point she made. But I still remember being impressed with […]

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Fine Gael + Fianna Fail = ?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there are no flies on Mary O’Rourke of Fianna Fail. I’ve only been once in the audience at a talk by her. She was talking about some aspect of education in the south and I’ve forgotten every single point she made. But I still remember being impressed with […]

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Richard Haas and our problems

When things get too hot and heavy for us here in Ireland, we call for outside help, usually from the United States. Douglas Hyde looked to it, de Valera did the same. Nothing wrong with that. In making major decisions, it’s important that there’s a degree of detachment, people who aren’t caught up in the […]

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Richard Haas and our problems

When things get too hot and heavy for us here in Ireland, we call for outside help, usually from the United States. Douglas Hyde looked to it, de Valera did the same. Nothing wrong with that. In making major decisions, it’s important that there’s a degree of detachment, people who aren’t caught up in the […]

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About last night, this morning and tomorrow

I’ve just come from having my breakfast ( yes, it was lovely, thanks), during which I listened to the top story on BBC Radio Four’s Today  programme. It was reporting the rioting that took place between police and loyalists near Castlecourt shopping centre last night. It also moved on to consider the republican parade scheduled […]

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About last night, this morning and tomorrow

I’ve just come from having my breakfast ( yes, it was lovely, thanks), during which I listened to the top story on BBC Radio Four’s Today  programme. It was reporting the rioting that took place between police and loyalists near Castlecourt shopping centre last night. It also moved on to consider the republican parade scheduled […]

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