Dia duibh – welcome all. I’m hoping I can keep my more creative side alive by putting up occasional posts here of pieces I’m working on or have worked on in the past. The Early Years is a section of something I’m working on. I’d really really like this to be a two-way thing: that is, that readers would feel free to comment on what I put up – observing the usual courtesies, that is – no spitting or swearing AND would submit short or long pieces of their own, which I’m very open to looking at and putting up alongside my own. In short, it seems a good place for exchange of ideas, content and thinking from people who are interested in creative writing, be it prose or poetry or whatever. And if you’re feeling shy about putting up stuff of your own – don’t be. Writing doesn’t exist until you make it available to an audience. SO LET’S BE HAVIN’ YA….
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