I was just trying to point out to Miriam O’Callaghan that the one-eyed view in the south of things northern might have been connected to the fact that southern mainstream media consistently paint a picture of the northern conflict as bloody murder by a group of psychopaths (i.e., the IRA), when news broke on mid-Prime Time that Nelson Mandela had died. Immediately and quite rightly, the two guests in the Dublin studio, who had been lambasting Gerry Adams for using the term “laissez faire” in describing the RUC attitude towards their own security, switched to commending the greatness of Nelson Mandela. It was something that was fitting – you only had to see the man, let alone listen to him, to know he was a man who knew about forgiveness and a passion for peace.
So while I joined the others in commending the great man, I made a terrible mistake. I mentioned that Mandela was in prison because the authorities saw him as linked to the ANC, which engaged in what the authorities of the time deemed to be terrorism. Why was Mandela in prison for so long? Because he refused to disassociate himself from the ANC, who were deemed by the authorities to be vile murderers. When he was finally released, Mandela devoted himself to making peace with his former enemies.
I also said that while I wasn’t suggesting Gerry Adams was a man of the stature of Nelson Mandela, there were parallels, in that both had been involved in a bloody and sometimes brutal conflict and that both men had led their supporters to a peaceful alternative.
No, no, no, no. Both Fine Gael’s Charlie Flanagan and Irish Independent columnist Martina Devlin wouldn’t hear of any possible parallel between the two. Gerry Adams was a man linked with murder, Nelson Mandela linked with peace.
Which brings me back to the point I was making when the news broke. The southern population have been fed a steady diet by the media – a diet which presents the IRA as the problem in the north. Coupled with that they present Gerry Adams as an insensitive oaf who blames Harry Breen and Bob Buchanan for their own deaths. No context: no consideration that there was a state which ruled for fifty years by gerrymander and discrimination, no mention of civil rights marchers being bludgeoned off the streets, no mention of acts by the British army or British agents acting through loyalist gangs which killed dozens of innocent Catholics.
If the job of the media is to paint a full picture of the present and the past, then the southern media have confined themselves to one corner of the canvas. The people of Ireland, north and south, deserve better.
[Here’s a link to the ‘Prime Time’ show itself. I hope.]
Well said Jude. The 26 county media establishment continue to be proponents of anti-republican bile. As you say, Gerry Adams and Mandela could not be seen as being on the same level, however, they have travelled similar journeys.
If “;northern Ireland” had been run by the South African government, worldwide condemnation would have resulted. But since it is run by Britain, no one says a word.This article sums up nicely one of the problems of dealing with the past, the South see’s a blinkered view that does not reflect the damage done by all sides of the conflict.
J B Vorster, South African Minister for Justice statedthat’ he would trade all the coercive powers at his disposal for one clause of the Northern Ireland Special Powers Act.
I wonder what Ms Devlein and Mr Flanagan think of the men of1916. How would they classify them, heroes??? Terrorists??? Criminals???
The irony is the men and women of the 1916 are seen through the eyes of the Free Staters as heroes. They cannot see the hypocrisy in their stance which is mind boggling. It is rather comfortable for them to claim the mantle from previous generations yet fail to see the reality of how that feat was achieved. They have wrapped themselves in the thought of it being justified because they won their freedom leaving the occupied 6 counties to take care of itself. They really do need to take the rose tinted glasses off and step down from the Ivory Tower into the world of reality.
My thoughts exactly Geri. It really does astound me how they can speak out of both sides of their mouths so easily and without challenge by the media. I think instead of irony, hypocrisy is the best word for it.
Let’s not forget that other vile terrorist Michael Collins who used collusion from within Dublin Castle and elsewhere to gain the information to kill the upholders of law and order in Ireland at that time
The vested interests of Irish media don’t want to see further SF growth. Judging from the comments I hear about SF, I honestly believe there are those in Dublin who would have preferred the maintenance of the status quo – violence in the north and Adams firmly in West Belfast.
Too true, we were consistently let down by all media and continue to be in relation to unfolding events in the north. At least the internet (here and elsewhere) is providing unbiased information from which people can make their own minds up. Unsurprisingly, access to this is on the uptake and is providing food for thought.
I remember growing up in the late 60’s and 70’s through to the late 80’s where individuals displaying the national flag colours were rare. The media had demonized displaying it until the arrival of a famous Englishman in the late 80’s who led our soccer team to big tournaments with the explosion of use of the colours by the fans. This continues to this day, look at the Carroll chain of shops.
Perhaps the internet will provide a similar reawakening in the national consciousness to the sacrifices of the men/women of ’98, ’16 and countless other rebellions. We need a adult/responsible/friendly relationship with the British, including our protestant northern brothers, but this must be achieved not being afraid to hold our heads high and occupy the high moral ground with them. At the present time, our Government as well as the media here do not serve us well in this regard!
Cal, Paul, Geri, J Hurl, MPG – thank you for your thoughts. My main regret from last night was that I didn’t get a chance to highlight what is expressed eloquently on the video clip I’ve posted on FB and Twitter – commentators like Brian Feeney making clear the contradiction between damning all things IRA that occurred in the 1970s and 80s while preparing to commemorate/celebrate all things IRA that occurred 1916 and after. To the best of my knowledge, the people who seized the GPO didn’t do a poll to establish the wishes of the Irish people first. I think that inconsistency/contradiction will become glaringly obvious to the most thick-headed southerner as we approach 2016.
Kader Asmal says in his memoirs that when Mandelas ANC needed practical help ,he went to see two men: veteran communist Michael oRIiordan and a certain G Adams.He says that sometime later share prices in the SA oil industry took a dive when for some reason their biggest oil refinery did a “poor old admiral nelson” into the Johannasbourg skies.According to the likes of Charlie Flanagan their could be no comparison however between the “chucks” and the ANC!
The media here in the south are well know for being bias towards SF and some of the writers/journalists in the main stream media are viewed as being clearly sympathetic to Britain and would rather we forget our republican history altogether, but while there voices are loud there numbers are few.
It seems in the past few weeks the media and government of the south has been on a mission against Gerry Adams and SF in general.
We normally get a coalition government, candidate with the most votes becomes Taoiseach who will then go on to form a coalition government with the party who receives the 3rd highest votes, whose party leader gets the role of Tanaiste.
Opinion polls for the past year in the south (which can be believed unlike polls in the north) are showing SF as the 3rd preference party in the south, our election is in 2016 and if the votes reflect the opinion polls then Gerry Adams could be Tanaiste, this has the government and there west brit pals in the media rattled and they will be doing all they can over the next few years to blacken SF and Gerry Adams.
Ah brave freedom fighters indeed self awareness seems to be in short supply in the Republican community. To his credit Nelson Mandela preached forgiveness and tolerance when SF under a largely discredited Gerry Adams starts to do the same perhaps the media will reflect this
If Gerrys so discredited and Nelson such a saint ,why did Nelsons men come knocking on Gerrys door when they wanted to give the apartheid regime a good kick up the transom?
Did Nelson’s woman also come a knocking seeking advice. Jerry Dammers is the real unsung (sang) hero of anti-apartheid.
Well said, Jude. As a former republican prisoner myself (probably 80 years too late for acceptability), I wouldn’t claim that both struggles were identical (South Africa and Ireland), nor that Gerry Adams and Nelson Mandela were of equal ‘stature’, whatever that might be. But I would say that Mandela would have more in common with Adams than he would with many of those clambering to fawn all over his memory now. It’s not that there is no validity in some views expressed by the southern establishment commentators, it’s just the way that they try to suffocate any alternative interpretations. They remind me of a wean sitting with their fingers in their ears, humming, to keep the truth out.
Dear Sir, Here in the south the ruling classes who replaced the British fee the people with B.S through the media and we are only to willing to consume it.
It was said that in 1916 a terrible beauty ea born, this beauty turned out to be that obnoxious thing called the state which must be protected at all costs form the people and its servants are well maintained in all respects.
To give any credibility to those who would stand up to authority would undermine the privilege of the powerful few.
Down south the people are treated as bad as anywhere else only it is coated with deception and this deceit is accepted my the majority because if it was not they would have to do something about it. Whilst the ones who might have the courage take the easy option and get the hell out of this shit-hole.
When the British was leaving a small town in West Cork the local Blacksmith was chowing signs of sadness, the local priest asked why; he said I’m sorry to see them go the gentry were good to me. The Priest replied don’t worry my son we will soon have our own.
People like Adams is seeing as a threat to these and must be put down or purchased in one way or another.
Nice point Jude. I am starting to become a fan of your writing and point of view as I think it is refreshing to hear the truth behind a lot of spin. when you have the social injustice like we did in the North such as rights to votes housing and jobs all subject to discrimination by a state that was hostile to them while that state supported loyalist pogroms on communities inadvertently through the police and army, collusion with loyalist murder gangs interment and interrogation with torture and civil rights protesters being killed any sane person could be drawn to violence in those situations in an effort to change the society.
Its important to show the hypocrisy of people like Charlie Flanagan who recently lambasted politicians for wearing Easter lilly’s while making sure that he wore the poppy without entering into discussion on the issue.I hope that the rest of the media won’t marginalise you as a result of telling another side of the story. However I fear that they will.
All the best
Hi Jude,having worked in rte for 2yrs i found it peopled at all levels by members of the labour and f.gael parties The station is totally biased to the current govt and its supporters.Current ministers are given free rein in all discussions and opposition are given a rough ride.The station does not reresent the views of any party opposed to the govt…..Keep up the good work ..regards Chris Flynn..
I see GERRY was in mandelas honour guard today,one of the select few.Proves the high esteem he is held in by lovers of freedom everywhere.
Hi,its very sad to see that we are again been censored by rte,ie, Gerry Adams was honored by the anc and not Mickey D our president.The rte report was a one liner and vanished into cyberspace.Proofe positive that rte is biased to our current govt…