March, 2014

Goodbye justice, hello peace?

Oh dear. I’ve just switched off The Stephen Nolan Show (Radio Ulster/Raidio Uladh), where  Stephen is telling Raymond McCartney that Sinn Féin are wanting one rule for former IRA men, another rule for unionists. Clearly there’s still a lot of heat if not much light in the on-the-runs story. Maybe that’s because a number of […]

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Maith thú, Steven McCaffrey

  If you said to someone “Do you read the Irish Independent?”, they might say they do and tell you what a magnificent organ it is, on a level with The Irish News, or they might say they don’t and tell you what a ghastly rag it is, on a level with The Irish News. […]

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Peter’s parrot

  I feel sorry for Peter Robinson, or Peter of Clontibret to give him his proper title. Not because he has to lead a party containing Nelson McCausland but because he finds himself in the position of the man behind the counter in the dead parrot sketch from Monty Python.  You remember how that went. […]

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