God, it’s getting crowded in here. (When I say ‘God’, this could be a reference to the God of Christianity, Islam, and any other faith you choose. Just thought I’d make that clear.) First Anna Lo gave us a close-up of how banal and ugly everyday racism can get – and how frightening. Her description […]
May, 2014
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene/ I’m begging of you, please…
Admitting you were wrong is not an easy thing. it’s holding your hands up to the world – well, that tiny portion of it which knows you exist – and saying “I did it my way and it stank”. Sometimes that elicits a surge of warmth and forgiveness: we all know that we’ve got it wrong at […]
‘Flags and Ashes’ by Randall Stephen Hall
Flags and ashes. Our auld flags issue, in Belfast Continues to stand on street corners. Continues to stand on our hopes and our children’s hopes. Continues to hang out from our lamp posts, to chill. To chill the hearts of the optimistic and the bold. To narrow our gaze and freeze our pipes. The ones […]
Are we there yet, Peter?
Dear God. Where to start, when your First Minister leaves you breathless? OK. Close eyes, say “Oooommmm”….That’s a bit better. Not much but a bit. Right then, let’s look at it in small bits. 1. Peter Robinson, unlike Martin McGuinness, waited until the elections were over before opening his mouth. Why was that? Delayed reaction? […]
An open letter to Colum Eastwood (revisited)
It’s not often I quote myself at such length, but my thanks to Joe Dwyer for reminding me how prescient I was so long ago. And no, he [Colum Eastwood] never did take me up on it. An open letter to Colum Eastwood by Jude Collins on November 29, 2013 6 Dear Colum, I know, I know […]
There’s insular and then there’s the wrong end of the telescope
I listened to Gerry Adams and I thought about going on holiday. Or rather coming back. Let me explain. I’ve been following these elections on television. The thought of going into the counting centre in Belfast flickered for a moment and then went out.As with football, you sometimes get more significant images watching politics on […]
The bishop and politics
I was on the best programme aired by Raidio Uladh/Radio Ulster this morning – Sunday Sequence. The matter for discussion was Bishop Noel Trainor’s letter to Catholics last week, urging them to query candidates about their stand on abortion, gay marriage, social justice, concern for the poor and promoting peace and reconciliation. My co-panellists were Patricia […]
A brief pick through some electoral bones north and south
I’ve just dragged myself away from the television, having watched as Mark Carruthers set up a small ding-dong between Gerry Adams and Alban Maginness. It came out of Mark suggesting to Gerry that Sinn Féin hadn’t encouraged its followers to put the SDLP next on their list as they went down the ballot sheet. Gerry said he […]
‘Stuff’ by Randall Stephen Hall
[ Started 2004. Developed 23.1.05 Finished 25.7.07 First performed at Glencree Summer School. Dublin 2007] www.randallstephenhall.com/music We all have stuff. You have stuff, I have stuff. We all have . . . stuff. Some hide it in their pillow case. Some in a drawer. Others, around a corner Or under a bed. In […]
Hara kiri, NI21-style
I’m just back from the Public Records Office building in the Titanic Quarter, where I was part of a discussion panel that included Malachi O’Doherty and Alex Kane. The panel discussion, which wound up a day of talks and lectures marking the fortieth anniversary of the Ulster Workers’ Strike, was a lively and enjoyable experience. […]