Bloody knackered, hardly describes it. Another good hot shower and a change of clothes and I’m ready for a revivng pot of tea. This is most definitely a sign of encroaching decrepitude. A few hours gardening and the salty sweat was literally blinding me as it ran in rivulets into my eyes.What’s that all […]
October, 2014
Nolan Show sound file: to wear or not to wear the poppy …
The Nolan show and flower power
Dear God. I’ve just come from having a, what should I call it, OK, discussion on the Nolan radio show about…Guess. Cauiflours? No. Leeks? No. Poppies? Yes. In the babble of voices – all in favour of poppy wearing – my point was that ceremonies are conducted here annually to honour all those members of the […]
Randall Stephen Hall: Songs, Poems and Stories
The Songs, poems and stories of Randall Stephen Hall. Crescent Arts Centre. University Road, Belfast. Tel: 02890 242338. Saturday 15th of November Doors Open 7.30 p.m. Show 8.00-10.00 p.m. Stephen Hall has been doing his thing for a few years now. First appearing on the Gerry Anderson Show Radio […]
LAWS AND ASSES by Harry McAvinchey
Look at it this way .I don’t think I’m alone in having some of these strange thoughts. Let’s assume that some of us believe that we live in an imperfect world. I know , for the most part I love it and would wish to live nowhere else. I can’t imagine another planet I’d like […]
Fintan goes all truthy
I like Fintan O’Toole. Although I’m sure he’s near to fifty, there’s a certain boyishness about the way he tackles an issue. His eyes light up behind the glasses, his rate of speech accelerates to near Garret-Fitzgerald levels and he usually uses a word or two that I’ve never heard before. No, not rude words, […]
Keep playing, guys (and think about a name-change)
OK – let me come clean. My appetite for classical music is strictly limited. If I know the symphony (not many of those) or overture (more likely) or concerto or whatever it is, I can usually sit and enjoy it. But if it’s new to me, my bum’s comfort wins out over my musical appetite. […]
“Under every stone lurks a politician.” Aristophanes It’s very simple , really .I’ m having a cup of tea listening to the radio :listening to local politicians waffling.They’re supposed to be talking about why “The Talks “{that’s “the Talks 2014 , Season 2”, for all you DVD box-set fans….} haven’t really started yet after […]
Suffering and allegations of suffering
It’s funny the things that catch people’s attention…No, let me rephrase that. It’s semi-insane what catches people’s attention. Assuming you haven’t been living in a hole in the ground, you’ll know how deeply moved were Enda Kenny, Micheal Martin and Joan Burton by Mairia Cahill’s allegations of rape. Assuming Ms Cahill is telling the truth, […]
Well I have talked before about the absurdity of our political non-talks. I have decided that behind the fluff and insubstantial waffle there is a simple evolving play going on . Collective unionism has called it a “Graduated Response”. You might call it an open sore or possibly an open sewer which is running […]