Without Ceremony.
By Randall Stephen Hall © 26.2.15
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On a bright Spring day it’s a good thing to lift the dull ragged weight of winter
from off your shoulders. To fly with all the other starlings from hedge to hedge
in this Spring dance.
Here’s a poem I call “Without Ceremony”.
When the dead weight of my brother
Flipped over like a capsizing boat
There was no captain to blame
For leaving the ship early.
No passengers running
Or swimming beyond the confines
Of this disaster.
I lost my brother.
But I lost my mother too
In her processing of this event, out loud
When she let it be known
With the shrug of her shoulder
There, in front of her chosen advocate
And my sister
That she would have preferred me dead
Rather than my brother.
Such was the colour of her grief.
Two holes and two sons, buried.
One, with ashes never scattered.
The other, this loss
Buried without ceremony.
- Other related songs . . .
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