

IMG_5683 - Version 2

OK – it’s that time of year and I’ve decided to do what I know is bad for me. I’m running in the Omagh Half Marathon on Saturday 28 March. That means I’ve just one week to hit my target of raising £500 to help Trócaire in their work of helping the world’s most disadvantaged. So I’m depending on YOU – no, not the guy behind you, YOU – to weigh in and put your hand in your pocket. I promise you, you’ll feel better afterwards. That’s a guarantee. But do it now by going to this site – if you postpone it you’ll just forget. Now is the hour – to borrow a phrase, Just Do It. And accept my sincere thanks in advance. Click here to get you to the page – it’s totally secure.

5 Responses to Help!

  1. angela March 21, 2015 at 8:30 pm #

    Done Jude Good Luck XXX

    • Jude Collins March 21, 2015 at 10:22 pm #

      Thank you, Angela. I may need (i) medical help; (ii) divine assistance.

  2. John March 26, 2015 at 1:37 am #

    Payment just made Jude, sorry a bit last minute – and i dearly wish it could have been more, but the last 10 days or so have been bill nightmare time, and living on I.P. down here can be quite a juggling procedure – and a multiple meds delivery by the Chemist to come this Friday.

    Heartwarming and very glad to see that the target has nearly been reached – here’s hoping there’ll be a surge of payments over the next couple of days to not only reach the target – but to beat it too!

    All t’best for the day, and i hope the weather works in your favour. (As do your legs!)

    • Jude Collins March 26, 2015 at 3:53 pm #

      John a chara,
      You are a true gentleman and a generous soul. Many many thanks

      • John March 27, 2015 at 12:53 am #

        Absolutely no problem Jude, as i said, i just wish it could have been more – Though i’ve just had a look at the Donations Page, and am delighted to see you’ve not only reached the target, but surpassed it! Many congratulations – and to everyone else who donated!
        I’ll be thinking of you on Saturday, wishing yourself and your legs the best!

        Ps: I must deflect your kind comment back to yourself – You’re the gentleman for taking part in such a worthwhile endevour. My very, very best wishes for the day Jude!