It’s so green outside . You might say…”What of it…it’s Ireland …What else do you expect? Well , alright . Ireland is really green . There’s no doubt about that. It’s a thing you really only notice when you leave it and return , maybe marvelling at the sheer “greenishness” of the place […]
May, 2015
IN SEARCH OF AN AUDIENCE by Randall Stephen Hall
Audio Link to song called “THE LONG ROAD”. If the link doesn’t click just copy and paste it into your web browser. Thanks. I played the Sunflower Bar last night and it went well but on many different levels. Some, quite unexpected. Just before 9.00 pm. we were all set […]
Prince Charles: he’s got high hopes
Picture by James Chapelard I’ll say one thing for Prince Charles: he has hopes beyond his station. He hopes to succeed to the throne (if his mummy lets him); he hopes to lead the charge against modern architecture, for alternative medicine, for the cause of the albatross, that the troublesome Diana will be forgotten and […]
It’s a sad fact that in Norneverland the deal we all made to provide peace wasn’t really wholly supported by everyone. Unionism generally feels it was something of a defeat for them.They weren’t quite sure why that was but they would have been much happier had they been able to finish the process […]
David and the pesky Human Rights Act
So David Cameron’s first act as newly-elected British Prime Minister – after of course the obligatory one-nation-Tory PM/prayer to St Francis – is to look to scrap the Human Rights Act. Why’s that? Well Britain never did like them foreigners having the last say. British justice was famed throughout the world for its even-handedness […]
Such a pity about Catherine. Oh well…
I’ve been thinking of Catherine Seeley. You know, the Sinn Féin candidate in Upper Bann at the Westminster election Having been labelled ‘that tramp’ by the classy DUP woman Roberta McNally, republicans had high hopes that Catherine might pull off a surprise victory. It was not to be. She wasn’t even close. But actually that’s […]
The seeds of last Thursday’s decimation at the Polls of Scottish Labour were germinating long before the 2014 Referendum. Worried by the rise of the Nationalists in the Seventies, the late John Smith, one of Labour’s sharpest thinkers, saw critically limited devolution as the solution. His prodigy, Gordon Brown and university friend, Donald Dewar, […]
Jude Collins has been tussling with a question on his video blog {vlog}.It amounts to the question that has many people stumped .What is the real difference in the politics of Sinn Fein and the SDLP or the SDLP and say Alliance? This question has recently shone in light of the Irish Nationalist losses […]
A touching letter with ‘Fake!’ written all over it
How do you react to anonymous letters? Myself, I usually read them and then post them on this site…What do you mean, you didn’t notice that virtually all the posters on this site do so anonymously? Anyway, I know a verbal balaclava is the conventional headgear in discussion sites such as this so it […]
Interview with Danny Morrison
My apologies for the technical quality of this interview, and especially the sudden ending. No deliberate censorship involved, I assure you. It’s just that I couldn’t manage to download it from Periscope (anyone out there know how to sort that? I’ve downloaded immediately after normally, but forgot to this time, and when I […]