May, 2015

THE ELECTION IS OVER by Harry McAvinchey

  Is it safe to come out now?The election coincided with a very busy time for me . Isn’t it always the way that when the political world is in mayhem and pundits are jabbering away while acres of newsprint are being scribbled out  and the experts are dissecting the results,  while my head is […]

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Picture by dutts303     Elections: how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways. 1. Fermanagh/South Tyrone. An upset for Sinn Féin in a seat they were expected to nail down firmly after their last squeaky-bum win. Ex-UDR man and former UUP leader Tom Elliott won the seat with a comfortable 500-vote margin.  […]

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VE Day. Speak, memory…

Picture by Neil Gaffney Where else would you get it? I was on Talkback today, in a discussion about the Nazi flag that was put up in a West Belfast school. A pupil came on and explained it was an end-of-year prank, nothing sinister or Nazi-supporting, which rang pretty true. But it was another caller […]

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Three election thoughts for the day that’s in it…

Picture by pixability Well, sin é – that’s it. After what seems like months of campaigning, leaflets, TV debates and canvassing, this what the Germans call Der Tag – the day. Did the campaign change anyone’s mind? I suspect it changed a lot of minds. Whether it changed a lot of vote-decisions we’ll know in […]

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Michelle Gildernew interview

Given that I put my Catherine Seeley interview up on this site yesterday, it’s only fair that I put up the interview with Fermanagh and Tyrone’s next MP as well….It’ll take a minute or two to download. It’s worth it.   MICHELLE GILDERNEW INTERVIEW 1

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IS IT JUST ME? by Harry McAvinchey

Is it just me or does anyone else notice this ? Politicians across the lands are vying for our attention. In doing this they have become a part of the entertainment industry. Oh , they might think they are running the country but I suppose,  like everything else , the country just ticks along anyway […]

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