Three election thoughts for the day that’s in it…

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Picture by pixability

Well, sin é – that’s it. After what seems like months of campaigning, leaflets, TV debates and canvassing, this what the Germans call Der Tag – the day. Did the campaign change anyone’s mind? I suspect it changed a lot of minds. Whether it changed a lot of vote-decisions we’ll know in twenty-four hours time.

For me, three things stood out.

1. Hypocrisy.  The claimed disappointment/outrage over the leaflets in North Belfast, showing the percentage of Catholics alongside the percentage of Protestants. Would it have been better to talk about nationalists/republicans and unionists? Maybe – but the Census Office don’t do political inclination. So if you’re going to quote their figures, you can’t substitute your own title. Besides, we all know that we use Catholic/nationalist/republican interchangeably,  sometimes in the same sentence. The important thing about the Kelly leaflet was that it showed figures supporting the fact that for the first time, the North Belfast electorate have a real chance to eject Nigel Dodds. Remember  what people said about the look on Michael Portillo’s face when he lost his seat? Imagine the look on the face of Nigel Dodds.

2. Women(i) I interviewed two Sinn Féin candidates yesterday, both young women. I knew that Michelle Gildernew was a formidable politician: you don’t take Fermanagh/South Tyrone by four votes and not have a steely core. What do I remember from her interview? Funny enough, her comment on when she was eleven, and her parents were out of the house all hours, campaigning for Bobby Sands. Why were they spending so much time on this, she asked them.”We’re trying to save his life” they told her. I remember that.

3. Women (ii)  I’d never met Catherine Seeley before yesterday. I’d heard of her, of course, because of her intimidation out of her job in the Boys Model School in Belfast. And more recently I’d heard about the famous Roberta McNally reference to ‘that tramp Seeley’. But I hadn’t met her. Our interview took place during her lunch-hour – forty minutes, actually – from teaching. I arrived late (don’t say ‘Of course!’ like that, Virginia – it’s hurtful) and we then had two problems – find a place to have the interview and get access to wi-fi. No, actually three problems – the third, we’d nobody to do the actual Periscope filming. What struck me was the unflappable quality of this slip of a girl – OK, she’s twenty-seven. I was ready to pack it in and accept defeat. Nope – she calmly found a quiet place in Craigavon Leisure Centre, she got the guy to help us access wi-fi, and she pointed out that we could do the interview as a prolonged selfie. And what do I remember of the interview? The bit where she said she just hoped people would turn promises made over the past few weeks into votes today. Was there ever better advice?  As one of my sons frequently reminds me, when you come to die, it won’t be the things you did you’ll regret, it’s the things you didn’t do. So whatever your party loyalties: decide NOW to vote and deliver on that decision. This could be a historic day.

19 Responses to Three election thoughts for the day that’s in it…

  1. paddykool May 7, 2015 at 8:50 am #

    Hi Jude . I have to say that I am greatly enjoying your in -depth video interviews. These are much more revealing than the usual sound bites or the noise of the so-called “debates” we have to suffer usually.Hopefully you’ll begin to include these on a special page of your site , so that they can be accessed easily and permanently.

    • Jude Collins May 7, 2015 at 10:05 am #

      Grma, Paddy. Do you know I was thinking something very similar myself – great minds, etc. Although it’s a little sad that a video excites much more attention than the written word, which is my first love…

  2. neill May 7, 2015 at 9:38 am #

    1. Hypocrisy. The claimed disappointment/outrage over the leaflets in North Belfast, showing the percentage of Catholics alongside the percentage of Protestants. Would it have been better to talk about nationalists/republicans and unionists? Maybe – but the Census Office don’t do political inclination. So if you’re going to quote their figures, you can’t substitute your own title. Besides, we all know that we use Catholic/nationalist/republican interchangeably, sometimes in the same sentence. The important thing about the Kelly leaflet was that it showed figures supporting the fact that for the first time, the North Belfast electorate have a real chance to eject Nigel Dodds. Remember what people said about the look on Michael Portillo’s face when he lost his seat? Imagine the look on the face of Nigel Dodds
    Yeah replace him with a loathsome ex terrorist that will cheer up the good people of Northern Ireland no end.

    2. Women(i) I interviewed two Sinn Féin candidates yesterday, both young women. I knew that Michelle Gildernew was a formidable politician: you don’t take Fermanagh/South Tyrone by four votes and not have a steely core. What do I remember from her interview? Funny enough, her comment on when she was eleven, and her parents were out of the house all hours, campaigning for Bobby Sands. Why were they spending so much time on this, she asked them.”We’re trying to save his life” they told her. I remember that.
    They failed miserably then didn’t they? He wasn’t killed he committed suicide still SF still uses his memory very well for their own nefarious ends.

    3. Women (ii) I’d never met Catherine Seeley before yesterday. I’d heard of her, of course, because of her intimidation out of her job in the Boys Model School in Belfast. And more recently I’d heard about the famous Roberta McNally reference to ‘that tramp Seeley’. But I hadn’t met her. Our interview took place during her lunch-hour – forty minutes, actually – from teaching. I arrived late (don’t say ‘Of course!’ like that, Virginia – it’s hurtful) and we then had two problems – find a place to have the interview and get access to wi-fi. No, actually three problems – the third, we’d nobody to do the actual Periscope filming. What struck me was the unflappable quality of this slip of a girl – OK, she’s twenty-seven. I was ready to pack it in and accept defeat. Nope – she calmly found a quiet place in Craigavon Leisure Centre, she got the guy to help us access wi-fi, and she pointed out that we could do the interview as a prolonged selfie. And what do I remember of the interview? The bit where she said she just hoped people would turn promises made over the past few weeks into votes today. Was there ever better advice? As one of my sons frequently reminds me, when you come to die, it won’t be the things you did you’ll regret, it’s the things you didn’t do. So whatever your party loyalties: decide NOW to vote and deliver on that decision. This could be a historic day.
    She certainly is doing a good job of keeping Upper Bann in the DUP hands if Gildnernew and her are the best that SF can throw up the union is safe for a very long time!

    • Jude Collins May 7, 2015 at 10:04 am #

      Ah well Neill – I’m sorry you don’t like this blog.Are people who were involved in the conflict ever to be forgiven? Ever allowed to run for office? As to B Sands, I don’t think I said he was killed – ‘We’re trying to save his life’ were Michelle’s words. ” if Gildnernew and her are the best that SF can throw up the union is safe for a very long time!” – who are you comparing these two women to – Roberta McNally, maybe? Iris Robinson? She was a good MP, wasn’t she?

      • paul May 7, 2015 at 12:29 pm #

        Neill, look long and hard at the backgrounds of Unionist politicians, to use your term, plenty of ‘ex terrorists ‘ there. Paisely/Robinson, Ulster Resistance, Third ForceBilly Hutchinson PUP, John White PUP , Trimble sharing the stage with Billy Wright and I won’t even bother listing all the ex UDR men who are now/were politicians( yes the UDR fits your term as well.)
        As for labelling of people as catholic/republican ( read Taig/fenian) it never mattered to loyalist paramilitaries and in many cases the forces of the state when they were murdering those same groups.

        Finally, I can’t imagine a republican calling a unionist politician a ‘tramp’ and getting away with it. At least it’s not as bad as Iris Robinson stating gays were worse than child molesters. Ah there’s a beacon of hope.

    • Antonio May 7, 2015 at 4:39 pm #

      ”Yeah replace him with a loathsome ex terrorist that will cheer up the good people of Northern Ireland no end.”

      You frequently bring up the ‘terrorist’ pasts of Sinn Fein members which is fair enough. You frequently contrast this with the voting behaviour of Unionists who rarely elect former ‘terrorists’, and you thereby conclude that the Unionist people are morally superior because of this. I am assuming that sums up your feeling fairly well. Correct me if I am wrong.

      So you may be wondering ”why don’t the nationalist population cease from voting for ex-terrorists like we do? (‘we rejected the UVF alligned PUP’). ”

      This is a broad nationalist/republican perspective on this phenomenon.You probably won’t like it which is fair enough but i am simply explaining the reality of the perceptions.

      Generally republicans (and possibly most Catholics) perceive a huge chunk of the Unionist population as liars when they say they always opposed violence. Nationalists/republicans simply do not believe that.

      Furthermore, nationalists/republicans think one reason why the PUP has been rejected by the wider Unionist population is that the P.U.P were/are prepared to acknowledge wrongdoing on their ‘side of the fence’. So Unionists do not want to hear that and opt for political parties that NEVER (excuse the pun) acknowledge that Unionists or the British state ever did anything unethical. The D.U.P aligned themselves with Loyalists paramiltaries throughout the troubles, and encouraged them throughout the Troubles.

      One difference between the two parties is that the P.U.P had the ‘courage of their convictions’ (murderous as those convictions were) while the D.U.P never had the balls to be honest with themselves (and im thinking particularly of Paisley) and their electorate that their opinion on UVF/UDA’s murder of Catholics for decades was either a good thing or at the very least not that big an issue because the IRA were the main danger.

      So when Unionist politicians (and particularly the DUP) talk about ‘democracy’ peaceful means’ opposed to terrorism’ nationalists in general are thinking ‘ are they in a state of denial or are they just liars full stop”? A lot of us aren’t sure but we do know they are hypocrites.

  3. Iolar May 7, 2015 at 10:15 am #

    Chiasmus – One man, one vote

    The dynamic qualities apparent in Ms Sturgeon, Ms Seeley and Ms Gildernew suggest that when a political party decides to change a policy, it may also be prudent to change some of the men.

    I guess Mr Netanyahu might appreciate Ms Gildernew’s four vote win last time round. As of last night, he now has a majority of just one in the 120-member Knesset. He was obliged to pay a high price to obtain the support of the right-wing Bayit Yehudi party to give him the necessary 61 seats. The leader of Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home), Naftali Bennett, demanded the Justice Ministry in return for the support of his eight members of the Knesset.

    Naftali Bennett opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state, enjoys the support of Israeli settler communities in the West Bank and has called for the annexation of parts of the occupied territory. Time will tell the Justice Minister’s approach to Human Rights and International Laws.

    “A week is a long time in politics.”

    • sherdy May 7, 2015 at 4:48 pm #

      Could anyone’s politics be more right than Bibi Not-a-yahoo?
      I would imagine the tendencies of the Bayit Yehudi in his approach to ‘justice’ will be right up Bibi’s street.
      It was on Euronews this week that 60 Israeli soldiers are complaining about the Palestinian civilian ‘shoot to kill’ orders in the last war by Israel under Not-a-yahoo’s instruction.

  4. RJC May 7, 2015 at 10:18 am #

    If Labour and the SNP were to form a government then theoretically couldn’t the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland be someone from the SNP? That would be funny, wouldn’t it?

    Vote wisely, people x

    • sherdy May 7, 2015 at 4:49 pm #

      He/she might even be a supporter of Ulster Scots culture!

      • RJC May 7, 2015 at 6:38 pm #

        A Scottish nationalist who wants to leave the Union, yet is also a supporter of Ulster Scots culture?!

        *Nelson McCausland’s head explodes*

  5. AP May 7, 2015 at 10:30 am #

    Very important that people turnout to vote across all constituencies even where your preference has little chance. Look at the larger picture your vote adds towards the total in the end. That vote of yours gives you your voice and your chosen party its mandate.

  6. neill May 7, 2015 at 11:11 am #

    Jude without your blog my life would be less sweeter!

  7. Séamus Ó Néill May 7, 2015 at 11:33 am #

    The vitriolic words from Neill give a window ,I think , into his mindset. The B Specials ,UVF, UDA, TARA LVF RHC , RUC ,UDR , OO, British Army and the MRF …..( not to mention apartheid , gerrymandering and ethnic cleansing through forced emigration ) were all used without exception or constraint against the Nationalist people from the unlawful foundation of this sectarian statelet…….and yet we, yes WE are to blame for everything. Perhaps it’s more to do with Sinn Féins continued growth and success in the WHOLE island that is causing his bitterness and paranoia .

  8. Perkin Warbeck May 7, 2015 at 11:56 am #

    While it is indeed a busy day in Norneverland, Esteemed Blogmeister, down here in the Free Southern Stateen things are a bit on the quieter side of life.

    Which is not to say, of course, that while you have Doddsville we must make do with Deadsville. For there is at least one major event of historical significance taking place south of the Black Pig’s Dyke.. While you in the Wee 6 are concerning yourselves about who will finish at the Top today down here we in the Not so Wee 26 are more focused on who did actually finish at the Bottom, a hundred years ago this very day.

    One, of course, is referring to the sinking of the South’s equivalent of the Titanic. Not so much a case of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, more a matter of Lusitania in the Sea with Redmond.

    And by one of those strange gospels according to Saint Fluke one takes one’s lead from the heading of of a side-splitting piece in which the Shinners are once again torpedoed by the (gulp) truth: : ‘Did you hear the one about Sinn Fein’s sectarian leaflet ?’

    Its author ,btw, is one of the Sainthood (Stoops, Sticks and Staters) who contribute kept columns to The Unionist Times and in this instance it is none other that TUT’s very own Tolerated Trot in his hilarious role as their Pet Prole.

    In the piece St. Eamon McCann (for it is he !) quotes extensively from the musings of the very singular Wolfe Tone. Again, the strange gospel of St. Fluke comes to mind.For, in Perkie’s piece the lyrics of a sea shanty popularised by the Wolfe Tones (plural) are also e..quoted:

    Have your heard of the Big Strong Man
    He lives in a caravan.

    Thump ! Thump ! Thump !

    That is Schrodinger, Perkie’s pernickety pet pussy cat, reminding one that the hero of this boisterous ballad is in fact named after one of his own many illustrious ancestors.

    He was my brother Sylveste (what’d he got?)
    A row of forty medals on his chest (Big Chest !).

    And of course it is only a matter of time, rhyme and seafloor slime before the shanty turns sectarian in a way that riles the royal-watching Aunties of The Unionist Times.

    Well, he thought’ he’d take a trip to Italy
    He thought he’d like a trip by sea
    He jumped into the harbour of New York
    Swam like a great big auld shark.

    Like the true seagreeen sectarian RC that he was, Sylveste, you see was making a pilgrimage to red-socked Rome, for which mortal city the fervent daily prayer of The Unionist Times is that its show piece basilica will be unbullt in a day and rendered into the current condish of the Collisseum, going forward.

    Sylveste saw the Lusitania in distress (what he’d do?)
    He put the Lusitania on his chest (Big Chest !)
    Drank up all the water in the sea
    And walked all the way to Italy.

    So, he did.

    Now, RTE the broadcasting wing of The Unionist Times, being what it is, its brains raddled and off song by the twice-daily sectarian ding-dong of d’Angelus, will not be playing this sacred and solemn seashanty by the pre-schismatic Wolfe Tones,today of all days..

    A pragmatic hang-over, one understands, from the heady days of Section 31. Thus, will the increasingly inclusive citizenry of the FSS be spared the uncorroborated propaganda from the soi-disant Book of Revelations..

    To the effect the the Cunard (not to be confused with Clonard) Liner was, in effect, in breach and in blatant contravention of the (gulp) Cruiser Rules of 1915. Whereby civilian vessels were exempt from paying any type of, erm, torpedo tax.

    (This Cruiser, again according to the gospel of St. Fluke, see above, curiously anticipates another Cruiser who would adopt similar naval tactics involving other vessels of a singular ocean, i.e Claudia, Marita Anne etc. That would be, of course, Conor Crozier O’Brien, the secular bishop whom TUT specifically forbids its sainted columnists to boo).

    A week to the day,, before the Lusitania sank to the bottom of the locker in an ill-judged effort to keep up with the (gasp) Davy Joneses, one Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, wrote to a colleague: ‘it is most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores,in the hope especially of embroiling the United States with Germany’.

    Thankfully, today at the moving ceremony of commemoration at the Old Head of Kinsale we shall have a pair of Old Talking Heads to redress the distortions of official fishy maritime history while you, Esteemed Blogmeister, had to address Young Talking Heads on your Periscope.

    Fresh from their distinguished debut as a D-day duo in Ringsend together Michael D (for it is he!) and Joe D (for it is also he !) will answer the question first posed a century ago: how come such a big deal ship should sink so quickly from a solitary torpedo in its side?

    For Uachtaran na hEireann it will be a particularly piquant moment, on a par with his participation in the recent dance macabre of the Daranelles, in so far as the First Citizen of the FSS now occupies a four p. bed once occupied by the First Lord of the Admiralty to be in the Vice Regal Lodge in the clearwater Park of Phoenix. Though the latter occupied said bed during his early childhood, thankfully no amendment to measurements were needed.

    The highlight of this afternoon’s ceremony on the Old Head of Kinsale will feature the intoning of the items which were manifestly in the Manifest of the Lusitania.Though to claim that the perfidious post-sinking fiddling of Albion which involved making murky waters even murkier, somehow foreshadowed the Bloody Sunday shootings is a nonsense.

    And would be strenuosly poo-pooed by such eminent Londonderriers, as might be associated with The Unionist Times.

    Thus, in liturgical style we will hear the full manifest of the listing Lusitania listed:

    Michael D.: 4,200, 000 rounds of rifle ammunition.

    Joe D: Prey for us.

    And so on and so forth, etc etc etc

    To conclude: in Nornevralnd you will have One Man, One Vote. In the Free Southern Stateen, we will have Two Men, One Boat.

    Go mbeirimid go leir beo ag an am seo amarach.


  9. fiosrach May 7, 2015 at 3:33 pm #

    Keep it up them,Perkie.

    • Perkin Warbeck May 8, 2015 at 4:18 pm #

      Fiosrach, a chara, deanfaidh me gach iarracht, le caoinchead EB, ar ndoigh !

      Ah, the Free Southern Stateen is one’s clyster.

      Now, where did one leave one’s enemy’s enema….?

  10. Belfastdan May 7, 2015 at 7:32 pm #

    Well there goes another election which has left me wondering why the so called cross community Alliance Party stood a candidate in West Belfast who didn’t bother canvassing or putting up a single poster, and whose Twitter account has barely a mention of the constituency in which he is standing. They are eager enough to want to close the only third level college in the area but not so eager to actually work for your vote,

  11. giordanobruno May 7, 2015 at 8:41 pm #

    Sinn Fein could (some would say should) have used the last election results to illustrate the Nationalist/Unionist figures, but they chose to go for religion as their marker.
    Caral Ni Chuilin, I believe, apologised on twitter for trying to claim they were prevented from using those results by the Electoral Commission.
    It was clearly a deliberate tactic and nothing to do with what the census does or does not show.