I know that greater minds than mine have devoted many hours to this but would this work? We tell the Loyalists that all the parades they currently have that are not contentious will be copper-plated that status from now on by the Parades Commission! (assuming acceptable standards of behaviour are adhered to, of […]
July, 2015
The early death of Ali Saad Dawabsha
Earlier today, an 18-month-old Palestinian child was killed.Ali Saad Dawabsha was burnt to death and his father and mother and 4-year-old brother taken to hospital in a critical condition. Shortly after 2.00 am, the killers tried unsuccessfully to gain access to another Palestinian home. They failed, so they moved to the home Ali Saad Dawabsha, […]
CAUGHT PINK – HANDED by Harry McAvinchey
I couldn’t help but laugh upon hearing of the man being arrested in an FBI “sting” operation while trying to buy poisonous ricin on the “DarkWeb”.Apparently his inspiration for buying the nasty stuff came from a scene in the television series “Breaking Bad” where this tasteless contagion was used to kill a rival drug dealer. […]
A tale of two health services
Once you begin to think about partition in terms of economics, all sorts of things jump up and demand attention. Let’s take one example. On 15 April this year, the south’s Health Minister Leo Varadkar visited Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry. After talking with the north’s then- Health Minister Jim Wells, Varadkar said: “Cross-border co-operation on health […]
David Cameron: pity the poor holiday-maker
David Cameron has expressed his sympathy over the situation at Calais. As you probably know, some 4,000 refugees are living in camps at Calais and trying to board lorries to smuggle themselves into Britain via Eurotunnel. Last night a young man trying to do just that died. David Cameron, as I say, has been feeling […]
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland The latest summer {Lord Sewel/John Bercow} scandals have brought the House of lords back into focus . You have to ask yourself what the House of Lords is all about? What is thepurpose of a thing […]
Lord Sewel and his pals
Picture by Swansea In The Guardian today, Suzanne Moore claims that the Lord Sewel scandal is not about sex but about money. She presents an interesting argument, pointing out how Lord Sewel’s private life is supported to the hilt by the public. He paid prostitutes for their services in a London flat that’s subsidised – […]
Any day now…Some man will eat his wife , the Loch Ness Monster will be spotted again. someone will report a strange light in the sky and before you know it there’ll be another expedition out looking for the Yeti. The press and television are already puffing up their flabby pages and reports with tales […]
Scottish papers this week gave prominent coverage to a court case, involving a Walter Mitty-like, former branch manager of a bank in Dundee. His actions lacked the subtlety of the recent Glasgow jewel robbers who bought four balaclavas and an axe in B&Q on the day before the raid. The banking defendant grabbed handfuls […]
The cost of partition: let’s talk
Picture by Deckab For many people, the attractiveness or unattractiveness of a re-united Ireland would come down to a question of money. That sounds a bit grubby, and there are other reasons than the financial for wanting to live in a united Ireland or in one that maintains the link with Britain. But it’s […]