If Jim Allister didn’t exist, would we have to invent him so we’d know what a really right-wing politician looked and sounded like? He was holding forth yesterday on his position regarding Britain doing a BREXIT – leaving the EU- and he was passionate in his insistence that this would be a Good Thing. It would give “us” – i.e., Britain – control over”our” own trade deals, so “we” could trade with China, Brazil and other emerging economic power-houses, rather than have to wait while Brussels decided if “we” could or not.
Because Jim is such an effective debater, he made it sound almost convincing. Until, that is, you thought about it. For a start, the EU grew out of a profound wish on the part of the big European nations never again to go down the path that led to the First and Second World Wars. It’s easy to get so irritated with the economic aspects of the EU that you forget that. The EU has given us seventy years of peace in place of the two great convulsions of the twentieth century.
Where Jim is right, of course, is that the EU is cumbersome. It’s also unbalanced, with Germany and to a lesser extent France calling the shots while the rest of us fall into line. But of course what’s needed is not a BREXIT, but a reform of the EU, so that all the countries who are part of it are also privy to major decisions and feel themselves playing a full part in the making of those decisions. There’s no reason why Britain shouldn’t remain in the EU and forge deals with other countries. If not, what was the point of all that sucking up to the Chinese leader by Cameron a while back?
For a man of his intelligence, Jim is surprisingly blind to the implications of a BREXIT. Because if the UK were to leave the EU, and if Scotland were to favour staying in the EU – as they almost certainly would – you may be sure another independence referendum would be on the table superfast and the results would be different this time. With Scotland gone, what price the UK holding together? English nationalism alone would be sufficient to push towards its demise. And where would that then leave the unionist devotion to all things Ulster-Scots?
Face it, Jim: the shortest road to Irish re-unification is the road marked ‘BREXIT’.
Perfect conclusion. Jim is a ***** who must show to be more British than the British.
He knows the clock is ticking for his wee Pravance.
Many forget that the English dont really want the Scots Welsh or us about the place!!!!
Remember their Green and Sceptred Isle is theirs and their second anthem is “There will always be an England”
Jim – I’m going to do a tiny, um, redact to your post. We don’t want Jim landing both of us in the dock…
Agree, Jude. I would class myself as a European first and foremost. The world view of the likes of most of the unionist political class is so alien to me. Anti Europe, anti catholic, Islam, gay, foreigner etc. The British have always had an island view of Europe. They have always distanced themselves and then wonder why they’re not at the top table. It’s the same with UEFA. Their constant Hokey Cokey is ridiculous. The French, Germans, Spanish and Itallians were never in thrall to the British and that frustrates them greatly. They only count in their own anachronistic, faded imperial minds.
What was that famous newspaper headline again? Thick fog in the English Channel, Europe cut off. Sums up Jim perfectly.
I’ll. Try. Jim…
Jude, I myself am not entirely certain UK exiting the EU, EC or EEC should be such a negative thing, for either them or us.
We seem always to forget that the Republic has twice in the past twenty years voted down EC/EU treaties, in Lisbon, only affirming the political masterclass will, upon the unfulfilled promise of bread tomorrow.
Many of the rising political class in the Republic are anti-EU, Sinn Féin being one, preferring united kingdom perhaps to united europe.
Allister’s argument does have a strong economic rational, EU reform, for Britain, nor any other state, will reduce significantly the huge administrative burden on business, whether manufacturing, shop keeping or farmer. We all remember the proposed Thatcherite reforms decades past, the notion of ‘subsidiary’ or, that government functioning, on behalf of citizens, should be wrought at local, rather than supra-national, level, to a greater degree. This was never implemented by the Brussels franco/hun elite which insists, as their national psyche dictates (I lived there in the 1980’s) that all control must be vested in the elite while the pawns, or, in our case, croppies, are there to feed and serve them.
This model is no different from the model used by Britain in occupying us, or other nations but, at least for a business the ability to conduct unfettered trade at global level is preferable to having to seek permission to undertake small service provision to non-EU states?
I am all for it – with any chance it will lead up to the Uk and Irish nationalists can gain from that mayhem.
people voting will decide not jim,
the influx of these immigrants being given preference over locals will be the main factor in a yes vote in the uk not trade according to the figures.jim knows theres votes in this for him.
I cannot really see what all the fuss about a Brexit is:
Because Cameron only wanted to sound anti-EU before the last general election to spike the UKIP guns.
Now he has a majority in Westminster he is pro-EU and even though he has promised a referendum he has no intention of leaving
Because the Tories run the government and big business runs the Tories, and a Brexit would cost big business money – so it will not happen.
I felt I had to thole that debate on The View last night between the two legal eagles and my reaction was: why don’t they stick to their day job, they would have to be more effective in the courts than they are in Stormont.
Yes Jude as you say Jim allister is an effective debater but I would go as far as to say that he is a master debater. He will not be satisfied unless the croppies lie down and get back in their place. He will have a long wait
A “master debater” paul?
Almost, he is a bitter wee w**ker all right.
The EU, first and foremost, needs to reform if its even to survive. Europe is facing massive problems at the moment, the constant stream of migrants coming from Africa and Asia is just one of them, one which is leading to more and more votes going to Far Right political parties all over Europe (Go have a look at how well the National Front is doing in France). Am I suggesting we just shut the door and hope the migrants go home? No, we should gave economic aid to those in need and convince neighbouring countries like Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc to do their share of helping and preventing illegal migration. We cant just allow millions of migrants to flood into Europe, that would cause serious social, economic, etc problems. If you ARE suggesting that then your crazy.
When it comes to Irish Unity, the UK leaving the EU would greatly improve the chances of a United Ireland happening sooner than many thought. Last time I looked this corner of Ireland received hundreds of millions of pounds in funding from the EU for various projects and to promote peace. Unionism seems to have forgotten this or maybe they are, as Peter Robinson once put it: “Turkeys voting for Christmas”.
I really don’t see why the likes of Jim Allister is even interested in the UK-EU debate. He’s an MLA, he doesn’t even sit in Westminster. Unionism as a whole has absolutely no influence on the UK’s relationship with Europe…or the UK’s relationship anywhere, come to think of it. But yet most of Unionism is supporting a route that most likely will break up the UK and deliver what they have been fighting against for decades (centuries?…): a United, free Ireland.
Unionists like Jim Allister really are their own worst enemy.
Irish unity is more important than Europe or the UK.
If Britain leave the EU, Ireland would have big decisions to make.
We need to do what’s best for us at all times.
There are obvious economic advantages from the free market but the return of an armed border in Ireland is not acceptable and wont have a good outcome.
Jim knows that
1/ st Having intelligence,and using intelligence….two different things
2/nd Jim seems more besotted with the reminiscence of a defunct Empire than reality
3/rd Brexit , would mean finding NEW trading grounds…..BRICS have already established themselves……not exactly sure they would welcome Jim’s 19th century view of things
4/th This wee place is an appendage of Britain ,not an integral part of it…..to be disposed of ,or relegated into obscurity on a whim
5/ th The vast majority of people on these Islands want nothing to do with Sectarianism , Racism or any other of Unionism’s negativism
When the referendum comes I will vote No even though I view myself as a European how we are being governed by Europe is shameful. A countries Parliament should always have the last say in what happens in a country rather than a faceless civil servant that is not held to any specific.
As for trade Britain sells more to the rest of the world and the reality is even after if Britain leaves European nations will still want to trade with us can you imagine the big German companies not selling their cars in the UK?
“As for trade Britain sells more to the rest of the world and the reality is even after if Britain leaves European nations will still want to trade with us can you imagine the big German companies not selling their cars in the UK?”
Your problem is you are seeing britain as a single entity. After this referendum, regardless of the result it wont be.
The bulk of the trade you refer to is in the south of england and the london financial sector would be better off out of europe. The rest of britain, north england, scotland and wales might not be so happy about the south of england dictating the future of the UK just because they subsidise the rest of the UK.
Ireland will unite around opposition of such a border and who is going to man it.
Do you think the PSNI will put targets on their backs and stand along border checkpoints once again. I doubt it.
Will the british army come back e force to do this? Look what happened last time.
If there is a majority in england vote to leave the eu, they will.
If there is a majority in the rest of britain to remain in the EU, they will.
There will be a majority vote to stay in the EU in northern ireland, because the relationship with ireland is more important than the relationship with britain and that will be realised regardless of the result.
There wont be a return of a manned border in ireland, that is for certain.
Options for an english majority exit therefore are:
Britain follows england out and Ireland leaves the EU and re-joins the UK
Britain follows england out and Ireland is reunified leaving the UK and remaining in the EU
England leaves the EU and the rest of the UK remains splitting up the UK and forming a new United States of Britain which does not include england but would include Ireland
How do you see a European exit playing out here neill?
Your problem is you are seeing britain as a single entity. After this referendum, regardless of the result it wont be.
If the majority of people vote to leave the EU Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland will have to accept it. Scotland had their chance for independence and decided not to accept it so they can have no complaints.
The bulk of the trade you refer to is in the south of england and the london financial sector would be better off out of europe. The rest of britain, north england, scotland and wales might not be so happy about the south of england dictating the future of the UK just because they subsidise the rest of the UK
Er no Britain has a large industrial in the Midlands and in the North indeed the fastest growing region is the west midlands.
Ireland will unite around opposition of such a border and who is going to man it.
Do you think the PSNI will put targets on their backs and stand along border checkpoints once again. I doubt it.
Will the british army come back e force to do this? Look what happened last time
The border will remain the same as it is now however your former friends in the IRA would love to go back to the good old days when they made a fortune from smuggling…
There will be a majority vote to stay in the EU in northern ireland, because the relationship with ireland is more important than the relationship with britain and that will be realised regardless of the result.
So bloody what?
Britain follows england out and Ireland is reunified leaving the UK and remaining in the EU
England leaves the EU and the rest of the UK remains splitting up the UK and forming a new United States of Britain which does not include england but would include Ireland
I really don’t give a shit about the Republic I have no interest in that country
England leaves the EU and the rest of the UK remains splitting up the UK and forming a new United States of Britain which does not include england but would include Ireland
Gibberish in the extreme!
“Er no Britain has a large industrial in the Midlands and in the North indeed the fastest growing region is the west midlands. ”
It did have, but thatcher crippled the north and as a result the wealth distribution is now mainly in the south east who subsidises the rest of the UK.
Who would have thought at the time that thatcher would be responsible for the breakup of the union?
“The border will remain the same as it is now however your former friends in the IRA would love to go back to the good old days when they made a fortune from smuggling…”
British agents and their criminal associates are still making a fortune from smuggling on top of the state funds going into their bank accounts.
The EU treaty states at least one country on a border with a non EU state must have a customs check so who is going to do it neill?
The PSNI wont ever go after the smugglers now.
The IRA I know are in retirement and wont be coming back. The cycle of republican insurgence has been broken, there is no support for armed insurgence and dissidents are dick wads with no support.
Northern Ireland is under military occupation so any customs check would have to be manned by military police and army.
It wouldn’t take a genius to know where that would lead.
The republic will not tolerate that to be passed on to another generation so england will not be allowed put another border back here.
It simply wont happen neill Not a chance in hell
“If the majority of people vote to leave the EU Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland will have to accept it. Scotland had their chance for independence and decided not to accept it so they can have no complaints.”
Scotland is its own country and wont let the tories wipe there arses for long. When lizzie steps down, the commonwealth will crumble.
Oz are preparing for it, new zealand are in the process of removing the jack from their flag and will follow suit.
Scotland will leave just to rid of the tories.
Northern Ireland is on a slide to nationalist majority with an international agreement to deliver unification with a 50+1 majority so what you think about the irish republic doesnt really come into it.
“If the majority of people vote to leave the EU Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland will have to accept it. Scotland had their chance for independence and decided not to accept it so they can have no complaints.”
Scotland is its own country and wont let the tories wipe their arses for long. When lizzie steps down, the commonwealth will crumble.
Oz are preparing for it, new zealand are in the process of removing the jack from their flag and will follow suit.
Scotland will leave just to rid of the tories.
Northern Ireland is on a slide to nationalist majority with an international agreement to deliver unification with a 50+1 majority so what you think about the irish republic doesnt really come into it.
“England leaves the EU and the rest of the UK remains splitting up the UK and forming a new United States of Britain which does not include england but would include Ireland Gibberish in the extreme!”
Is it really though neill?
Scotland and Ireland have historically close connections and e still have more in common with each other than with england.
The act of union was basically a bailout for Scotland, their fortunes have turned considerably since then.
Even the name britain can be traced back to the celtic word for “land of the Picts” through roman mistranslation for Pretania.
Scotland have made it quite clear they wont be leaving the EU, britain is already a member of the EU so rather than Scotland having to re-join the EU, would it not make more sense for england to go it alone to have to remove itself from britain leaving scotland, wales and northern irelnd with a new addition of the rest of ireland which would all adopt the euro.
The union would no longer exist as it is a union between scotland and england.
I cannot think of an easier way of england leaving the EU and for scotland and ireland to remain in it.
I look forward to serious discussions between ireland and scotland on this very option as referendum discussions get under way though.
I would love to see a new union agreement between the celtic nations of britain.
Surely the ulster scots community would be happy also?
“When the referendum comes I will vote No even though I view myself as a European how we are being governed by Europe is shameful”
How do you feel about how northern ireland has been governed by england neill since we are talking about shameful?
Do you think the present day continued cover up of state collusion on the pretence of national security is less shameful than anything imposed by europe?
I get that state sanctioned security force involvement in the planning, provision and co ordination of the Dublin Monaghan bombings for example is not something that will be owned up to lightly, but in light of the bombs that followed it is hardly governance to be proud off.
Had we any self respect we would be seeking full independence and building a new nation of our own rather then squabbling over scraps from englands table.
The fact so many here are happy with the begging bowl mentality is what is shameful and why england has no respect for us and rightfully so.
I am more embarrassed for the Nationalist community voting in a ex Terrorist Commander still stay classy!
“I am more embarrassed for the Nationalist community voting in a ex Terrorist Commander still stay classy!”
I take it you are referring to Martin McGuinness, neill
If you feel like that then you should really be more embarrassed by the fact he is the best statesman we have and has more leadership in his little finger than any unionist politician there is.
We can at least be grateful he is still there to teach your lot some manners and common courtesy.
maybe the unions starting to protest outside the austerity parties offices the day will be the start of change,
“maybe the unions starting to protest outside the austerity parties offices the day will be the start of change,”
what change are you expecting billy?
“Your problem is you are seeing britain as a single entity. After this referendum, regardless of the result it wont be.”
Well said Jessica. Neill and the vast majority of other Unionists seem convinced by the DUP line: “The Union has never been safer”. The UK is becoming more and more federalized and it will inevitably break up. Its just a matter of time before more and more Unionists catch on to this and you’ll hear talk and suggestions of an “Independent Ulster”, which is ridiculous.
Irish Unity isn’t going to happen tomorrow or the next day but it will happen one day. Its a slow, slow process of tiny “baby steps”. There’s some that say it wont happen in our life time. That’s ridiculous, it wont take THAT long, if your definition of a lifetime is like mine 60-70 years. No, I give it 10-20 years to Irish Unity, depending on the speed of progress here, that’s my opinion.
“Irish Unity isn’t going to happen tomorrow or the next day but it will happen one day. ”
Ryan, the process has already started. Conditions for making the necessary legislation changes are in place, the border is gone and the infrastructural unification changes are under way. The last step will be referendum and constitutional change so let them chirp away.
“Neill and the vast majority of other Unionists seem convinced by the DUP line: “The Union has never been safer”.”
Yes, like they would never share power with republicans and now they are back in partnership with sinn fein with the IRA army council controlling their every move.
You and I know that isn’t true and was misinformation which the security forces admitted came from their paid agents within the IRA. Oops, looks like their intelligence isn’t what it used to be.
But the fact remains, the DUP have committed to sharing northern ireland with irish republicans at the same time that british security forces official intelligence is reporting is under control of the IRA army council.
Even better, you have half wits like gregory campbell coming out and defending the change sinn fein have undertaken and their acceptableness for government to his electorate to defend their stance.
Incredible, what will they not do you have to ask yourself.
The demographic change is happening and while we shouldn’t wish anyone into an early grave, each year the unionist majority is falling and what is sure to be on their minds is who will be able to say it didn’t happen on my watch.
Robbo played it well, making sure he left on a high, but he always was the smart one. He did a “de Valera” on paisley and timed his exit to perfection leaving after the DUP had peaked and have nowhere else to go but down.
Now he can say with confidence, the union was never safer when I was in charge and shortly bugger off to the house of lords in england where there are no young studs to turn heads and he can keep 2 eyes on mrs robbo and focus on ensuring that union remains safe which might be his toughest assignment yet.
how do you see a european exit playing out here..
england,scotland,wales.ni.will all vote as one unit in or out.
border patrol unit established plenty of other countries models to copy.
if people vote to stay in then fine.
“england,scotland,wales.ni.will all vote as one unit in or out.”
Do you mean hiding the individual national opinions or considering only the overall majority.
Not sure I see them not wanting to know or being prevented from knowing the results of the vote in england alone.
If there was a majority in england who want to leave, would they be prepared to have that desire thwarted and be dictated to by the rest of the UK minnows?
I will be interested to see what happens. He has opened a can of worms put in front of him by UKIP that’s for sure.
“border patrol unit established plenty of other countries models to copy.”
So armed border patrol units will be acceptable here you think billy?
Should be expect any better within the UK I suppose?
so armed border patrols will be acceptable here do you think..
well maybe they would set up a border patrol quango ,something like the policing board where its perfectly acceptable to promote ex ruc men to a chief constable position so anythings possible in never.never land,
“well maybe they would set up a border patrol quango ,something like the policing board where its perfectly acceptable to promote ex ruc men to a chief constable position so anythings possible in never.never land,”
It would certainly sort out the smuggling issues except for the odd backhander I suppose.
New jobs on both sides of the border, we would have to restore the 50 50 recruitment policy of course, or just build a big wall or even better dig a big moat.giving northern ireland a coast all the way round. At last, capital projects for economic growth that unionism could agree to.
Yes, anything is possible except economic viability it seems.
I love your optimism billy you have a positive attitude which I like