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March 28, 2016

Letters Editor


620 8th Avenue

New York, New York 10018

Dear Editor:

In “Martyrs With Guns…” (3/27) the views of Mr. Downes and  Fr. Murphy S. J.  on the Easter Rising are inaccurate and misleading.  Daniel O’Connell didn’t work for Irish freedom.  He championed Catholic civil and political rights some of which were not achieved in N. I. until the aftermath of Bloody Sunday in 1972.  Fr. Murphy   insists the focus  should be pushing “Democracy, pluralism, tolerance and the rule of law.”  The British interest in the rule of law and democracy in Ireland  is best documented in A Very British Jihad, Lethal Allies and the Stevens Report.  The Catholic Church silence on that lawless legacy only added to the bloodshed.   Mr. Downes notes that Ireland did eventually gain their independence but neglects the price.  Rather than accept the 1918 Election results and negotiate that freedom,  Churchill and Bonar Law “played the Orange card”, promoted  violent anti-Catholic pogroms, waged a senseless  two year war  and then partitioned the island.  The authors are entitled to their own opinion but not to their own facts.




Michael J. Cummings

12 Marion Ave

Albany, New York 12203-1814


5 Responses to A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEW YORK TIMES by Michael J Cummings

  1. Donal Kennedy March 29, 2016 at 1:43 pm #

    I don’t know how Father Murphy has the brass neck to keep going. When Richard Pigott was exposed as a liar he had the decency to shoot himself. We live in less enlightened times.
    O Tempora! O Mores!

  2. Riobárd deMóinbhíol March 29, 2016 at 3:13 pm #

    Very well said, maith thú!

  3. Argenta March 29, 2016 at 9:37 pm #

    Michael J
    As most of us don’t have access to the New York Times,could you advise us how many of your letters to that paper actually get published?

  4. Donal Kennedy March 30, 2016 at 9:31 am #

    The New York Times, is, I understand, a paper of influence.To have a letter published in it for an ordinary citizen is no small achievement, when that citizen is bucking the Establishment
    Some years ago I had a letter lacerating THE TIMES of London for one of its editorials. The
    paper printed a minor mistake for my address.
    For years afterwards I had letters offering me test drives for Range Rovers, invitations to
    sales of objets d’art in Chelsea, condominia in Florida, and asking for donations to the Tory
    Party to protect my fortune from the Jacobin and Bolshevik Labour Paty. At the time I hadn’t
    rwo halfpennies to rub together. All those letters incorporated the error in THE TIMES.

    So Atgenta, I think you are inclined towards Begrudgery. Pehaps all that glisters is not silver?

    • Argenta March 30, 2016 at 10:56 am #

      All very interesting,but it was just a simple question to Michael J.