Court Martials– Easter Rising
Court martials
There were two types of court martials operated by the British Army in Ireland, these were:
A General Court Martial comprised of at least nine officers,
A Field General Court Martial comprised of three officers.
The power to try civilians by Court Martial was contained in provisions of the Defence of the Realm Act.
Of the fifteen court martials that led to executions, all but two were carried out in Richmond Barracks. James Connolly was court martialled in Dublin Castle and Thomas Kent in the Detention Barracks, Cork City
Number of Court Martials
The following court martials were connected to the Rising.
161 Field General Court Martials against Republicans
1 Field General Court Martial on non commissioned officer
22 General Court Martials on Republicans
A General Court Martial on Captain J.C Bowen-Colthurst for the murder of three civilians
A General Court Martial on Warrant Officer Sergeant Flood for the murder of two officers
A General Court Martial on Private H.J.Wyatt for the murder of R Glaister
Two Field General Court Martials – Thomas and William Kent
Two Field General Court Martials –R Donaghue and T Doyle
Death Sentence
Of the 187 Court martials held against Republicans the death sentence was passed in 88. Of these 15 were executed.
Roger Casement was tried in London and sentenced to death. He was hung in Pentonville Jail on 3 August
Penal Servitude
The imprisonment of an offender and their subjection to hard labour.
Anybody who ever visits this site should read this –
Courts martial, not court martials.
And “comprising”, not “comprised of”.
Come on Jude; gotta keep the standards up on the important things.
Thank you, Doctor Christopher. However, I didn’t write the document – merely passed it on for public consumption. I too twitch at such errors but my excuse is that I’m an unreconstructed old fuddy-duddy ex-teacher. What’s yours?
I’m an unreconstructed not so old fuddy-duddy civil servant