‘Máirtín Ó Muilleoir – The greatest First Minister we have yet to have!’ by Dónal Lavery



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I viewed with unsurprising delight the news that Belfast’s very own Máirtín Ó Muilleoir is to be made Finance Minister in the North’s Executive. I have been following with intrigue and awe the career and progression of the man for some time now and he never fails to impress. There exists an uncommon flair for commerce in the man, a true balance of morality mixed with gleaming business acumen. Put simply, he is an individual. And a very able one at that, with an acid-pen and a clever astuteness so sharp that you risk a paper-cut when reading his book on City Hall politics over the years. I remember meeting him before via a relative who was his colleague on the Council, and thinking how he personified the real and actual existence of an enterprising left-winger, who is comfortable with success in a globalised world. Although noble and always a gentleman by nature, Mr. Ó Muilleoir is resilient and Unionist politicians neither comprehend him nor feel comfortable regarding his potential appeal across the electorate, particularly in the liberal-minded, middle-class Unionist suburbs. Too many young people and adults today look for idols in far away lands or a select area of fame, fortune and excellence. I confess, I used to be one of them. As a musician and lover of art and literature, I suffer from that classic condition of fluctuating euphoric highs and depressing lows which accompanies many a restless mind. However, I recall speaking to an American before about the implausibility of the ”American Dream” (of unlimited opportunity and potential in life) still existing in the Western World. The reply I received articulated that this ”Dream” remains a reality for those willing to pursue it and is residing in my home-town of Belfast, in the form of none other than Mr. Máirtín Ó Muilleoir. Now, being a devout Christian inhibits me from looking for idols other than my Saviour. But Mr. Ó Muilleoir is a real inspiration, from humble origins to clear prosperity and skill. He is a distinct phenomenon. Among Sinn Fein representatives, he appears socially to be a left-winger and economically a Whig. He has brought an innovative zeal to the promotion of Irish as a living language, which feels like a fresh breath of Spring upon inhalation. When I met him before, he shook my hand with the authoritative and friendly grip one would associate with a Head of government, at the same time always being down-to-earth and approachable. I have no doubt that as Finance Minister Mr. Ó Muilleoir will help this region of Ireland to thrive, epitomising the fruits of hard-work mixed with talents. He is the ambassador we need, to attract the jobs and opportunities of the future to this land, cashing in on our well-educated workforce and the peace dividend. He is original and a fine role-model. If he ever should require an apprentice, my P45 really must be requested.




13 Responses to ‘Máirtín Ó Muilleoir – The greatest First Minister we have yet to have!’ by Dónal Lavery

  1. jessica May 25, 2016 at 3:53 pm #

    I like your style Dónal

  2. michael c May 25, 2016 at 4:12 pm #

    Is that you Mairtin?!

  3. TheHist May 25, 2016 at 4:22 pm #

    “Amongst SF representatives, he appears socially to be a left winger” – can you evidence this? Mairtin O’Miliionaire – the rich, business man? If he represents the left wing of the party, SF are having issues ….

    • giordanobruno May 26, 2016 at 7:10 am #

      A millionaire finance minister? Getting more like the Tories every day!

  4. fiosrach May 25, 2016 at 4:29 pm #

    Why do our fellow Irishmen pronounce his name as Mool yer?

    • Jude Collins May 25, 2016 at 6:31 pm #

      For the same reason they pronounce ‘Maghera’ as ‘Mackera’

  5. Brian Patterson May 25, 2016 at 5:35 pm #

    Gosh! – or should I say gush!

  6. paddykool May 25, 2016 at 6:26 pm #

    Nice piece Dónal ….Maybe the man could potentially be a really good First Minister. As I said elsewhere…nothing impresses me like a good sense of humour.

  7. MT May 25, 2016 at 7:06 pm #

    “Mr. Ó Muilleoir will help this region of Ireland to thrive, epitomising the fruits of hard-work mixed with talents.”

    As Finance Minister how will he do that?

    “He is the ambassador we need, to attract the jobs and opportunities of the future to this land, cashing in on our well-educated workforce and the peace dividend.”

    The Finance Minster has no such ambassadorial role and no remit for attracting inward investment. You’re mixing up his role with that of the Economy Minister.

  8. Laura May 25, 2016 at 9:41 pm #

    Did you know when Mairtin visited us here some years ago..we made him an honorary Texan…we had lunch with him..really nice man and I have absolutely no doubt that whatever job he takes on he will succeed with flying colors…(s)

  9. truthrevisionist May 25, 2016 at 10:53 pm #

    “Yes friends, governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich, to manage the affairs of the capitalist class”

    Martin O’ Muilleoir. (quoting James Connolly – when he was poor and before he joined the $inn £ein Millionaires club )

    …….and became a capitalist !

  10. Mark May 26, 2016 at 7:42 am #

    I’m afraid, given the earliest statement from the new, regional, Aire Airgeadais na se gCountai, he appeared to abandon just what his, one time, colleagues in the Provisional Government actually fought for.
    Is nobody else concerned he was making arrangements to meet with the minister for finance ‘south of the border’, the what?
    As a youg student I spent many hours in Martin’s home, being a friend of his wee brother, in them day’s, we didn’t recognise partition, what happened Martin?

  11. Oriel27 May 26, 2016 at 10:29 am #

    Brilliant written Donal, you must be a teacher or something.
    Its an interesting move alright, MoM taking over the finance job. Even though Westminster hold the purse strings, MoM’s move is symbolical.

    We could see the moneys now being allocated to the A5, the narrowwater bridge and the Ulster Canal cross border greenway. All Ireland projects.

    I expect him now to be pushing the economic benefits of the All Ireland economy.

    But i wonder is it a move for him to take over from McGuinness or Adams?.
    He does appeal across the divide. I follow him on Twitter, he is a very likable guy. Plus he is a businesses man (provides jobs, everyone has to eat….)

    Why did he come back into politics?.