May, 2016

Glad confident morning at Stormont

It’ll be like back-to-school day up Stormont today. Those who’ve been there before will be greeting fellow-veterans from other parties (or at least we hope so – I’m given to understand that most DUP MLAs no longer stand stony-faced and silent at the urinal when they glance sideways and see they’ve been joined by a Sinn […]

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Can the poor afford not to vote?

Bernie Sanders (a bit like Ken Livingstone) got into bother recently for speaking the truth. When he appeared on Meet the Press, Sanders was asked why he’d lost in 16 out of 17 states where there was a large wealth gap. Shouldn’t his socialist message have given him a  a string of victories, not defeats?  Sanders […]

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Micheál Martin and bi-location

Symptoms to look for if bitten by a wasp: Difficulty breathing Difficulty speaking Swelling in the mouth or throat Rash all over the body Faintness or decreased level of consciousness   It’s not finalized yet, but barring a meteor wiping out central Dublin, Fine Gael will shortly be back in place as the government in the […]

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The day has come – let’s do it.

You’re probably familiar with the notion of pathetic fallacy, where Nature seems to reflect what’s happening with humankind. You’re feeling miserable and the rain is pissing down, you’re feeling top of the world, Ma, and the sun is glinting off car windows. Pathetic fallacy has almost as many exceptions as verifications, but it’s worth pointing […]

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Yep….like the elephants marching in the old Disney “Jungle Book” cartoon…… Sometimes there is very little you can do but feel despair.The radio’s on and I’ve finished painting the hall. What else would you do on a dreary May day like this than roll on some of that greyish paint to match the weather outside […]

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Ten points from last night’s debate

Ten things to emerge from last night’s leaders debate:   Arlene’s lipstick was on crooked, so when she spoke there was a suggestion of Humphrey Bogart and “Here’s lookin’ at you, sweetheart’. Is somebody getting paid to do her make-up? Or is there a make-up mole in there, intent on damaging the DUP leader? Mike Nesbitt got the […]

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Leicester City and our imminent election

It was indeed a delight to watch the celebrations in Leicester when, thanks to an unlikely comeback from 2-0 by Chelsea,  Leicester FC won the Premier Football League. Sometimes people grin and cheer and hug because they feel that’s what’s expected of them. Other times they just let go and join in the explosive community […]

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I see Gerry Adams, the President of Sinn fein has got himself into some bother and was forced to make his apologies . Apparently he was watching the Tarantino film “Django Unchained “and it occurred to him to equate the lot of the negro slaves with the history of he Irish and their relationship with […]

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The n- word – I mean, FFS…

For fuck’s sake…Oops. I hope that hasn’t offended any minority group who might conclude that I am anti-feminist, anti-Christian, anti-auntie…But I’m afraid I must repeat – for fuck’s sake. I’m referring, of course, to the Mind Your Language brigade and their tireless  hunt after people who use words that are Simply Unacceptable, since they reveal that the person […]

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