July, 2016

‘Unionist Supremacy’ by Jessica McGrann

    The missing element in the peace process is truth and reconciliation. It is undeniable that Sinn Fein have been making just about all of the effort in this regard.  Can anyone say with any degree of modicum that the leadership of unionism have made even the remotest effort to reconcile with the rest […]

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‘ The Economic Imperative’ by Jessica McGrann

  One of the main arguments against the reunification of Ireland is that the north is unviable and the south cannot afford us. Now the first point I would make is we are talking about reunification of our country which is presently one  country with two jurisdictions operating independently resulting in two economies and two […]

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At a British War Cabinet meeting in October 1917 the Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, “bluntly observed that a statement supporting Zionism would be ‘extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America’ ” according to an article in THE TIMES by Ben McIntyre on July 29.  Since he was Prime Minister in 1904 Balfour, in office or […]

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Ageism and dancing on the head of a PC pin

It’s odd how contradictory the attitudes of  society can be. There are people who think nothing of hammering religious belief as the refuge of the deeply stupid and those believe in fairy tales; yet the same critics will go ballistic if religious believers suggest that  Ross Hussey wasn’t performing at his moral best when he tweeted naked […]

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You’ll all probably know that the “NewStatesman” is an influential magazine of some 100 years’ longevity, having what it likes to call a left -of -centre feel to its politics and is the kind of magazine that has attracted writers and thinkers of the intellectual calibre and political heft of the late Christopher Hitchens and […]

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Love that little Hillary

Hillary Clinton was on the verge of tears last night. The reports tell us she was “almost overocme with emotion as she entered the arena to loud cheers and embraced her daughter, Chelsea, who introduced her as the next President of the United States.  She took a deep breath to collect herself as delegates in […]

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Murdered French priest: politics or religion?

The killing of the 84-year-old priest in Normandy, while he said Mass, is as gruesome and horrifying a killing as you can imagine. Confronted with such actions, it’d be understandable if France were to lurch to the right and say “Enough – we can’t allow this any more” and follow through ruthlessly, curtailing civil liberties, […]

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