The latest Hillary-emails thing: will it make a difference?

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Oh dear. (No, I don’t usually use that term, Virginia, but this is a family blogsite.) Oh dear oh dear oh dear. They’re doing it again. Having dug deep and thrown every conceivable charge at the Clintons Bill and Hillary, some well-founded and some straight from fairyland, the anti-Clinton forces are seizing on what they’d like to think is a weapon that even at this stage might hurt Hillary. The FBI say they’ve unearthed more emails  that might be relevant to their investigation into her use of a private server while Secretary of state.

An obvious question is, why did Hillary Clinton use a private server for her emails? You don’t have to be a supersleuth to figure she did so in order to avoid having political enemies peer over her email shoulder and pick out stuff they could use against her. If you’re an employee, do you have an email address for work and another for your outside-work stuff? And even though you’re not a criminal, is that how you’d like to keep things? Multiply that by about 500 and you have an explanation as to why Hillary was using a private server.

Why have the FBI come out now with this news of fresh emails that might or might not be relevant to their case against Mrs Clinton? Probably for the same reason that Donald Trump’s famous interview with Billy Bush came out when it did – at a point where it was figured it would hurt the candidate most.

Will these latest FBI announcements hurt Clinton in her race for the White House?  Probably, but not too much. There’ll be people for whom this is the last straw. But as some commentators are saying already, most people have made up their minds about Hillary and the email thing. That it has been resurrected at this point, no doubt as a counterweight to Trump’s tape, may push some voters into the Trump camp, but not too many.

It’s not hard to see why Donald Trump was an excellent Apprentice-style TV presenter. That arrogant, bullying, unpredictable manner is what TV producers dream of.  It’s very hard to see how Trump’s finger over the nuclear button would be good news for the US and the world.




9 Responses to The latest Hillary-emails thing: will it make a difference?

  1. PF October 29, 2016 at 9:03 am #

    “If you’re an employee, do you have an email address for work and another for your outside-work stuff?”

    I think the release of the data answers that question.

    • Scott Rutherford October 29, 2016 at 9:54 am #

      I know I use the one email address for both my work and personal business, but there is a world of difference between me and Mrs Clinton as she was of course the US Secretary of State.

      It certainly was a blunder but certainly not one which means Mr Trump is a better choice for US President.

  2. Wolfe tone October 29, 2016 at 9:19 am #

    I don’t think it’s her use of a private server that is the problem. It’s her determination to delete the data that’s the problem. Anyway, she’ll likely blame Putin for the FBI’s actions.

  3. Antaine de Brún October 29, 2016 at 10:20 am #

    Queries to:

  4. Jim Neeson October 29, 2016 at 10:52 am #

    Makes a change from ” Is Gerry A in the RA !!!!

  5. Perkin Warbeck October 29, 2016 at 11:37 am #

    Blessed are we, Esteemed Blogmeister, down her in the Stateen of the Free and the Land of the Craven to have such a detached, objective national station called RTE.

    This very morning we were given yet another tart-warming exhibition of its seemingly inexhaustible supply of disinterested professional broad casting, oops, broadcasting when the latest issue involving the female emails and all that those entrails entail of Hillary ‘Coatail’ Clinton was under discush.

    Squaw Marian Finucane showed just why she is worth, um, every red cent of her modest 297.000 squids per partum annum for, um, 4 hours broad casting per week. When she invited to her RTE Teepee to enlighten her vast listenership on the Her and Him implications of the latest twist at Crooked Fork on the road to 1600 Pensylvania Avenue, 2016 none other than another (gulp) Marian.

    That would be Marian McKeon, freelance journo and – whaddyaknow ! – full time cheerleader for Camp Clinton. Stateside- based, Marian 2 smoke-signaled her report across the broad, majestic Atlantic to Marian 1. So, then, a hackette with no tomahawk to grind.

    By way of a backstory, RTE was C-sectioned on Jan 1, 1926, long before it suffered the horrors (necessary, ar ndoigh) of a Section 31. The station of the nation’s first name was a funny, punny take on the last words of the first line of the music hall favourite:

    -Come back to Erin.

    From Day One its ring tones were the opening notes, possibly played on a xylophone, of O’Donnell Abú.


    Proudly the note of D-major Trump is sounding
    Fleetly this Him the Sisters Shrilly are hounding
    Like crows carrion
    Both called Marian
    On Orange Hue O Donaill – a boo ! -are rounding.

  6. Ciarán October 29, 2016 at 12:23 pm #

    It’s a sad indictment of American politics that the electorate there have to choose between tweedle dum and tweedle dee. To view Hillary as the least worst option for America and the world is to totally misjudge her. She is funded by Wall Street, is an ardent supporter of the Zionist apartheid state and is a hawk of the most aggressive kind. She has consistently during her tenure as secretary of state advocated the most aggressive response to all American foreign policy issues. Of the two candidates she, in my opinion, would be more likely to use nuclear weapons as a first option. Couple this with the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and you have an individual that optimises everything that is wrong with Neo-Liberal politics!

  7. Ryan October 29, 2016 at 5:44 pm #

    ” It’s very hard to see how Trump’s finger over the nuclear button would be good news for the US and the world”

    Hillary is much more likely to press the nuclear button than Trump. Trump is largely an isolationist. Yes, such policy was very popular back in the 1920’s but time scale is irrelevant, what if Bush/Blair had an isolationist policy in 2003, before the Iraq War? How many people would still be alive today? Clinton, to my knowledge, fully backed the Iraqi invasion, she also openly gloated and laughed when Libya was bombed and Colonel Gaddafi was murdered, and he was murdered grossly, apparently having a gun or knife shoved up his backside and fired. Such executions are widely popular in Africa. Clinton found all this to be very amusing, as footage shows….

    Trump also wants to make peace with Putin. Does that sound like a man who is eager to press the nuclear button? a man who is clearly wanting to show the hand of friendship to Russia. Clinton, as usual, is very aggressive towards Russia and many commentators even said that Clinton supports direct action against Iran. Indeed Trump said that Clinton will take the US into Iran if she wins the election. Iraqi Invasion Round 2? Of course Iran is no Iraq, the country is nearly twice as large as Iraq, is clearly capable of defending itself and thus any invasion would be much worse than the 2003 Iraqi invasion. Clinton, like her Israeli masters, wants to destabilize the entire Middle East. Hence why she shares ISIS aims of removing Assad in Syria, etc. Of course, if you consult a map, you will see Western forces (and their allies) are creeping slowly but surely towards Russia’s borders from the Middle East…..

    The reason why some people dislike Trump is because he’s against uncontrolled immigration. What exactly is wrong with that? Its common sense. Do you support leaving your front door open just for any Tom, Dick or Harry to walk in to your home? Of course not. The reality is the reason the like of Clinton supports mass immigration from Mexico is because she knows they will vote for her. In many ways its a form of gerrymandering and its anti-democratic. The same thing is happening in Europe. The Labour Government under Tony Blair admitted they allowed uncontrolled immigration of millions of people because it meant they were much more likely to stay in government because many of these people came from poor countries and with Labour promising more welfare spending these people would vote for that. Its happening all over Europe.

    Of course what is ignored is the massive social problems all this is causing (much of it hushed up by the media). The competition in jobs its creating for the poorest in society. Its also lowering wages for the poorest. It’s basic economics, if you have a surplus of cheap labour then that lowers wages, its an incentive for big companies and businessmen to demand “we need more immigrants” because it lowers their wage costs and makes them more money. That’s why you often hear businesses churn out that line of “needing” more immigrants. We don’t, we have a population already and they should fill jobs.

    I don’t agree with Trump on everything but I do hope he wins the election and I actually think he will. He will bring out crowds of people who haven’t voted in years and want to see change. If Hillary wins, then World War 3 is a much more likely possibility in our lifetime because Hillary is no dove of peace, she’s a Hawk with an ego and as the first female President of the USA, she will want to make a name for herself in History….don’t underestimate a politicians ego! if making a name for herself means war then war it will be…..

    • jaggedge October 29, 2016 at 11:31 pm #

      Trump in his own words is maga rich, so much money he cannot ascertain just how much he has, just wondering like, how did he get so much money? Did he give any of it away to the needy? Who works for him? Where are his businesses situated ? Does he owe anyone money? Is he squeaky clean? just wondering like, you seem to be very well informed about Hillary and according to your account, she is more likely to push the nuclear button, she has a funny sense of humor, Hillarys going to start world war three and she is a Hawk with an ego, trying to make a name for herself. Just wondering like.