The parting of the ways with Article 50 this week may have seemed amicable enough, with Donald Tusk speaking of sadness at Britain’s departure and Theresa May sounding as though she was sending the EU a love letter rather than a Dear John . But hardly had the ink dried than a couple of nasties […]
April, 2017
‘Imaginative Thinking’ by Jessica McGrann
Finally the brexit process has begun and there is no going back, not to the borders of the past apparently, but new frictionless borders which no one has been able to spell out what will be, other than to suggest some imaginative thinking is required. While we are waiting for this minister for imaginative […]
‘A Letter to Michelle O’Neill: Playing the Ace Card’ by Donal Lavery
By Donal Lavery Let me start by stating that I clearly don’t hold political office, so there are limits as to what I know concerning the specifics of what precisely is going on behind the scenes. There are things I don’t know and there are things I can’t know as a […]
‘Speaking about the Dead’ by Joe McVeigh
I write for this blog as a way of engaging with others about issues and events and people that are important to me and to others. There are so many issues that preoccupy us these days. One is the untimely death of Martin McGuinness, another is the growing support for Sinn Fein, there is […]
Saturday pics of the week
Pic 1 is by Perkin Warbeck Pic 1 “THAT’S WHAT CHRISTY MOORE THINKS !’ Pic 1: ‘You can’t wine and dine her in an old Morris Minor’. This is where Christy Moore is SO not correct ! The dolls , God Bless ‘em, love a […]