Appropriately enough, the Germans have a word for it – Der Tag,The Day. This is the day when the car containing the Tories and the DUP comes hurtling towards the EU wall of reality. How to devise a frictionless border? Easy, the EU is saying, in clear legal language: let the north of Ireland remain […]
February, 2018
“Dear Nationalists” – that letter from civic unionism
Attention, class. Sit up straight. Concentrate. Now. What is the difference between “engage with” and “challenge”? Right first time, young Wilson: engaging with suggests something positive – as in “The young couple are now engaged”. But to say “The young couple are now challenging each other” would suggest or at least hint at an oppositional […]
Nigel, bad blood and bad Shinners
In yesterday’s Belfast Telegraph (well, the online version I have is dated February 25), Nigel Dodds is making two things clear: there is ‘bad blood’ between the DUP and Sinn Féin, and it’s all Sinn Féin’s fault. After you’ve picked yourself off the floor, to which you collapsed on hearing that Nigel is blaming Sinn […]
Why do many unionists become enraged at the idea of an Irish Language Act?
Why are so many unionists opposed to an Irish Language Act? They say it’s because they don’t want compulsory Irish in all schools, Irish street signs in every street, preference given to Irish speakers applying to the civil service. Is that true? I doubt it. Most thinking unionists know that there never was any question […]
Provocative act by Linenhall Library
As regular readers know, I no longer do guest blogs on this site. However, when I received this from a friend this morning, I laughed so hard I figured keeping it to myself would be a sinful act….Bain sult as – Enjoy. Unionists have reacted with fury at the placing of a plaque dedicated […]
Saturday pics of the week
Pics 1-4 are by Perkin Warkbeck Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Wreck on the Rocks The nearest thing to […]
Jim and Sammy explain about Irish and direct rule respectively
We in this turgid little north-eastern corner are often urged to listen to each other. Sometimes, those encouraging listening will point out that we have two ears and one mouth. OK. So let’s listen to two of our political opponents’ take on recent events. First to the mic, Jim Allister (TUV) Jim reminded us in […]
Last night: nice Jeffrey on a sticky-as-syrup wicket
I’ve never met the royal knight Jeffrey Donaldson, although I have been informed by him on air that I am a mere “keyboard warrior” (as distinct, I presume, from a real UDR warrior, as Jeffrey was). However, I have been assured by at least one person whose views I respect that Jeffrey, in the flesh so […]
The past: one view only?
The current dispute over the Sinn Féin advice centre in Castlewellan being namedd after two IRA men – Peter McNulty and Paul Magorrian – is raising some ire among unionist politicians. The fact that the centre was named twenty-five years ago seems to have been glossed over. But despite this, the dispute raises a key question: […]
Five questions about abortion
Today the south’s Supreme Court will meet, to listen to an appeal by the State against a High Court ruling last year that said the unborn child/foetus has rights beyond the protected right to life as stated in the Constitution. If the Supreme Court doesn’t overrule the High Court decision, this will probably complicate and […]