From HANSARD 17 JUNE 1880 –
Frank Hugh O’Donnell MP asked the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, if he will lay on the Table the Oath or Form of Attestation of the Irish Constabulary; and whether it is true that freemasonry is the only secret society to which an Irish Constable is expressly permitted or recommended to belong?
Mr W.E. Forster, Chief Secretary:
With the permission of this House, I will read the Oath –“I do swear that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign Lady the Queen, without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, that I will see and cause Her Majesty’s peace to be kept and preserved, and that I will prevent to the best of my power all offence against the same, and that while I shall continue to hold the said office, I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties thereof, in the execution of warrants and otherwise, faithfully according to law, and that I do not now belong, and shall not while I hold said office, join, subscribe to any political society whatsoever, unless to the Society of Freemasons.”
( W.E. Forster was a Liberal and he was to earn the nickname “Buckshot Forster” by directing the R.I.C. to discharge Buckshot at the Irish populace rather than Ball ammunition, considered in England a Liberal measure)
“Buckshot” Forster went on –
“With regard to the Society of Freemasons, it is not generally thought to be an evil society, and many of the Royal Princes – for instance, the Prince of Wales – belong to it, and I cannot imagine they would be guilty of anything disloyal”
No doubt nobody would imagine that a Freemason in the Constabulary would treat with special favour a fellow Mason who happened to be a Royal for repeated breaches of the Highway Code.
When looking for a new Garda Commissioner, the Irish Government gave the choice exclusively to Senior British Police Officers, all of them bound by the British Official Secrets Act, and perhaps even some of them bound by the secret codes of the secretive Freemasons, and some of whom were accomplices of Britain’s unaccountable Secret Services.
They chose Drew Harris, a man without record of allegiance to Ireland, a former officer of the Royal Ulster Constabulary whom the British trust to keep its secrets, many of which Irish Governments have requested British Governments to reveal to get at the full truth concerning criminal and lethal action in the 26 Counties. Most notable amongst those were the simultaneous, no-warning bombings in Dublin and Monaghan on the 17th May 1974 which took the lives of 33 civilians and one unborn child, and injured nearly 300 other innocents.
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