Nigel Farage detests the EU. He can’t wait to get out of it. He says he’s very angry that, two years and more after he declared “Freedom Day” for the UK, the UK is still in the EU. Sinn Féin are proponents of the EU. That is, they believe that all things considered, the north […]
May, 2019
Vickie and her wilder side
For decades I’ve found that huge lumpy statue of Queen Victoria at the front of Belfast City Hall an eyesore. Stern, joyless, imperial. And it’s not just in Belfast. Most places where she’s given a statue, it’s similar to this life-denying eye-offender. But this morning I discovered what I should always have guessed – Victoria […]
Charles and Camilla and Michael D and Sabina – and Bertie and Peter too
I wonder did Bertie Ahern and Peter Robinson get a chance to have a chat at Glencree the other day. They were, of course, only bit players, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to the Prince, in this case Prince Charles. We know that President Higgins and his wife Sabina got an extended chin-wag with the Prince and […]
LAPDOG BITES BULLDOG (42) by Perkin Warbeck
SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA Simply red, was the colour which Jeff and Mutt saw when they looked through their rose-tinted BA-issued reconaissance binoculars in a wee northerly direction towards Croak Park from the shared space atop Liberty Hall. Even as they waited to sing their first performance in public of the song first […]
Voting in the EU election – a waste of paper?
These coming EU elections are tempting. You might decide that election of a representative to Europe is an exercise in futility, and the election campaign one filled with sound and fury, signifying nothing. How else would you describe an election to a parliament, organized by a member state who doesn’t want to be a member? […]
TRUST THE BRITISH? WHY? by Michael John Cummings
Think back to January, 1972, when innocent civil rights protesters lay dead on the streets of Derry. The British manipulated media readily embraced the use of terms like “armed gunmen” and “terrorists” to describe the victims. The Widgery Report absolved the British Army and the world moved on. It was all a lie perpetuated for 40 years until the Saville […]
S The Good Friday Agreement cost a lot of blood, sweat and tears. John Hume had the intelligence and generosity to recognise the endurance and sincerity of republicans, and indeed of Unionists, whose policies he disagreed with. So he engaged in dialogue with them. In the adult world that’s known as politics. Seamus Mallon never […]
Goodbye to all that
We all love a simple story, particularly if its sad ending brings about long-term good. The most recent example was the untimely death of Lyra McKee, shot dead apparently by a dissident republican. There can be few who don’t grieve the loss of such a young life; but when we say that from her death […]
LAPDOG BITES BULLDOG (41) by Perkin Warbeck
SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA Once they’d stepped out on to the roof of Liberty Hall, Jeff and Mutt (JAM), as programmed, broke into a, erm, jam session. A fail-safe dodge specially designed to practice their scales, memorise the lyrics of their Second Song, the one penned and sung by Sam of the Pyrrhic victory, get their […]