July, 2019

On “Baptized Catholic” Boris Johnson by Fr Sean McManus

“ I would welcome a Catholic hangman as much” Capitol Hill. Friday, July 26, 2019 There has been considerable media  news about it being revealed that  Boris Johnson is a Catholic—at least having been baptized as a Catholic. Fr. Sean Mc Manus—President of the Capitol Hill-based Irish National Caucus—has received numerous inquiries on his reaction to this news.He has, therefore, issued the following […]

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Middle-class Catholics and the statelet

Why, for fifty years, did nationalist people in our twisted corner of Ireland sit on their hands and do nothing? There were those who enlisted in the IRA and were part of its border campaign. Others, like Brendan Behan, crossed the Irish Sea to bomb Britain. But the great majority of Catholics looked at and […]

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The Irish Language and cultural wars by Donal Lavery

By Donal Lavery Talking to taxi drivers is often a revealing experience – it permits one to comprehend the issues “on the ground” for ordinary people. Of course there are those who identify as Irish nationalists but who do not place the same significance on Irish as others – after all, English is more economic […]

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Letter sent to IRISH TIMES 25 JULY 2019 by Donal Kennedy

WAR MEMORIAL AT DUBLIN’S ISLANDBRIDGE Maeve Hurrell, rightly, decries disrespectful behaviour at the “National War Memorial” but is mistaken in believing that is  “dedicated to all who gave their lives that we can live in freedom.” Neither Germany nor Austria-Hungary nor the Ottoman Empire, in 1914 coveted or planned to extend their territories beyond those […]

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Always look on…

Person 1: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Person 2: Say what? Person 1: I observed that the times we live in are the best of time while simultaneously the worst. Person 2:  That doesn’t make sense. Sunstroke. Maybe check with your GP. Person 1: I think not. Boris […]

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July 11TH  Philadelphia & Boston   The American Brexit Committee has begun Phase II  of alerting key Members of Congress to  their concerns for Ireland, all 32 counties, and for the success of the peace process (see attached).  The election of Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister would raise the odds that a No-Deal EU exit is likely  and the threat […]

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Amongst many accumulated books in my collection are ones which I open from time to time and dig out a fascinating nugget or two. for example – FROM THE POLITICAL DIARIES OF C.P.SCOTT  10-11 May 1917 – -“The news of the South Longford election had come in just before I arrived on Thursday afternoon (i.e. […]

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Boris Johnson seems hell-bent on destruction – by Fr Sean McManus

IRISH CONGRESSIONAL BRIEFING Distributed to Congress by Irish National Caucus “ This article is most troubling on some many levels.The alleged racism is appalling and bodes ill for Ireland in particular. Tony Blair, God bless him, did the right an honorable thing regarding Ireland. Boris Johnson seems hell-bent on destruction. God save Ireland from the […]

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Two men resembling Boris Johnson

We all kind of knew it would end like this. As the UK and Theresa May thrashed in futile fashion and the EU negotiators raised their eyebrows when they were talking to her and rolled their eyes when they weren’t, we all knew that the horror-show had yet to reach a climax. With Boris Johnson’s […]

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Testing times

My grandson graduated a couple of weeks ago. He wore a gown and mortarboard, collected his certificate, the lot. “So?” you say. “Lots of people graduate. Big deal.”  Yes, but what age were they? My grandson was four and he was graduating from nursery. This seems to me totally daft, not unlike the way some […]

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