With few exceptions the British media have smeared the Labour Party generally and Jeremy Corbyn particularly with anti-Semitism, a term which, if taken literally woul apply to those who hate people who speak, or whose forebears have spoken a Semitic Language. Many more people speak Arabic, a Semitic language, than Hebrew or Aramaic, ancient languages of the Jews, or Yiddish, once the main language of Europe’s Jews.
Today the term should be understood to mean hatred of Jews, an unworthy
sentiment for anybody. But it is deliberately misused to smear anybody who
criticises Zionism and its adherents or any word uttered, action taken and any
failings of theirs. Failings to adhere to the law given by Moses such as stealing
from, or murdering their neighbours, to give two examples.
From the JEWISH CHRONICLE, whose Editor is a member of THE HENRY JACKSON SOCIETY (see my BLOG “SCOOP”) to PRIVATE EYE which affects to respect the fearless journalism of the late PAUL FOOT, the lies about Corbyn have been shamelessly uttered.
A few weeks ago THE FINANCIAL TIMES published a piece about THE INDEPENDENT
some of its allegations about the Labour Party. Neither THE TIMES nor RADIO nor
TV news, appear to have reported on the adjudication. The FINANCIAL TIMES
quoted the IPSOS adjudicator, whose surname is MOSES.
The Jewish Chronicle has also been forced to pay substantial damages to people
it has dishonestly accused of anti-Semitism.
I have received many kindnesses from Jews and no insults or injuries.Oddly
enough I don’t know any Arabs, but I have Moslem Friends,and friends of many
religions and none, whom I would, and do trust with my
life whenever I use the NHS.
THE IRISH MEDIA and ESTABLISHMENT generally are perhaps worse than the
British ones. Over the past fifty years they have been taking orders from
British Governments and attempting to establish a state of AMNESIA in the
Many of us who grew up in the Twenty-Six Counties in the1940s and 1950s
when Government and Opposition TDs, Senior Army Officers and leading
public service executives were veterans of the 1916 Rising, War of Independence
and Civil War veterans. When our schoolmates had parents who were involved in
those struggles, and/or the First World War. Our generation mixed happily
together for the veterans of the
Civil War had frequently served together in the Defence Forces during the
Emergency impose on the State by the outbreak of the 1939-1945 TROUBLES between
our European neighbours. We were, rightly proud of those who had, in an act of
National Self-Determination, raised themselves from the degraded state of
Subjects, to the status of Citizens of a Sovereign State.
Leading journalists in the Irish Independent, such as Piaras Beaslai and the
Irish Press, such as Frank Gallagher “David Hogan” had worked
together refuting British lies between 1918 and 1921, or in defendin and
encouraging resistance, including lethal resistance, to British Tyranny. Robert
Brennan, former minister in Washington in “Allegiance” and
“David Hogan” in “The Four Glorious Years” told the story
of “THE IRISH BULLETIN” in Press Group of Papers and THE KERRYMAN
paper group published pieces about the fighting in Kerry, “Rebel
Cork” , Limerick and Dublin, by those who did the fighting before the
“Civil War”.
The Nationally minded newspapers in late forties and until 1970 opened their
columns to those who might dispute the veterans’ accounts. It is hard for those
brought up since 1970 to imagine such freedom. Few British veterans of
Ireland’s War of Independence cared to write of. Brigadier General Crozier was
an exception – and he had resigned his Commission in protest against British
Garret Fitzgerald, Chancellor of the National University of Ireland (1997-1909)
in his Autobiography was, rightly, mighty proud of his father’s role as Editor
Dr.Maurice Manning is the current Chancellor of the National University of
Ireland. He is the Chair of the Expert Advisory Group on Centenary
Commemorations. He is a year and a half younger than I am and, like myself,
spent part of his education in Rockwell College Cashel, which in our time
cherished the memory of 1916 leader Thomas MacDonagh
and other Republican former pupils or teachers. A former pupil/teacher at
Rockwell, Eamon de Valera, was Chancellor of the National University from 1921
to 1975. He had been a fine Rugby player and retained friendships he had made
there into my time, including with Father Thady O’Connor who had been his
team Captain in 1904.
The Centenary Commemorations would have us believe that Thomas MacDonagh and
Desmond Fitzgerald, Eamon de Valera, Piaras Beaslai and Eoghan MacNeill were
criminals when they resisted British rule, and Leo Varadkar, Micheal Martin,
and their admirers go along with that lie.
They have been complicit in disowning and obliterating, so far as they can the
honest records of the generation which established and defended the First Dail
Eireann and replacing them with fake history and phoney journalism
The overdue rejection, by an awakened citizenry of the attempt to glorify the
Royal Irish Constabulary should bury those in academia, the media and politics
who have betrayed the nation these past fifty years. There may be some honest
people in Fine Gael and the Labour Party and I believe that there are still
some traditional Fianna Fail people who share the outlook of that once great
party’s founders. Their achievements in housing, and the establishment of
industries, promotion of aviation, in the Hungry Thirties, establishing a
sovereign state and playing a principled role in the League
of Nations should be taught to those who have never heard of them. When the IRISH
TIMES was embracing Hitler, and John A Costello was lauding the Brown Shirts,
and Fine Gael and Pope Pius XI Rape of Abyssinia, de Valera was demanding that
League of Nations members honour the League’s Covenant. There were sincere
Republicans who never accepted the legitimacy of the 1938 Constitution, but
whose allegiance to Ireland was absolute and who have since been favoured by
massive support throughout Ireland. The attempt to demonise them is the begrudgery
of poor losers
whose days,if not yet over, will soon join John Redmond in the dustbin of
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