June, 2020

The coalition and clap-happy unionists

In the formation of government, did Fianna Fáil  factor in how unionists might respond to things southern?  Probably some thought at least. Here’s unionist journalist/commentator Alex Kane: “Unionists were finally able to heave a sigh of relief on Friday evening. Sinn Féin in government on both sides of the Border has been a recurring nightmare […]

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Pat and June Zoom-chat about the new Dublin government

Sorry this is a little late – technical problems, I’m afraid. We gave the       new government in Dublin a thorough going over – who’s in, who’s out,   how long it’ll all last. Conclusion? …Have a  look and a listen. ..Agus bain sult as – Enjoy.

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Class politics is far from dead by Pat McArt

Judge Garrett Simons went to Trinity Law School. He was appointed a Judge of the High Court in Dublin by the current outgoing government back in 2018.  On Thursday last he made a ruling which found that legislation allowing for legally enforceable pay and conditions to be set for thousands of workers, particularly the lower […]

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On June 26 Stephen Collins writes of Daniel O’Connell 1775-1847 and his opposition to slavery.He ignores Mary Anne McCracken 1770-1868 who campaigned for its abolition while O’Connell was still a child and distributed papers to American ships in Belfast up to the eve of the American Civil War and outlived Abraham Lincoln. Mary Anne McCracken […]

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What considerate host offers pork to Jewish or Moslem guests, beef to Hindus or meat to vegetarians? I venture to suggest that none would. The considerate host or hostess would discriminate between their guests if wishing to win or retain their friendship. So, discrimination is essential to peace and friendship between human beings. Again, if […]

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Orange Order /GAA: do they balance each other?

This blog first appeared as a column in the Andersonstown News At times there’s a strong temptation to put your head under the sofa cushion and not remove it.  You tell yourself that people are ultimately decent and simply want what’s best for themselves and for their family. Then you come on the banner hung at Grove Playing Fields – “ANTI BRITISH GAA NOT WELCOME” […]

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Pat + Jude Zoom-chat about what it says in the papers

Pat and I had intended to confine our chat to the coming coalition, but the dumping of Rebecca Long-Bailey from the Labour Party’s shadow cabinet by Keith Starmer demanded a response.We squeezed it into the first five minutes approx., and then looked at the iffy deal that the Greens are going to be forced to […]

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