January, 2022

Yemen: How many must die before the world intervenes? – by Fra Hughes

As the death toll rises and nearly 20 million civilians face starvation, when will the international community intervene to end this suffering? Needless slaughter, bombs, regional politicking, airstrikes, the imposed siege, weapons of mass starvation targeting the infrastructure, including hospitals, prisons, and the fabric of civil society that holds a nation together in Yemen. As […]

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TV REVIEW: Charlie Bird on the Late Late Show

This first appeared as a TV review in The Andersonstown News  I missed  Charlie Bird, former RTÉ star reporter (and yes, Virginia, former pupil of mine) when he appeared on the LATE LATE SHOW (RTÉ ONE) some weeks back. Charlie, who has been a cheeky chappie as well as a much-loved reporter, has developed Motor Neuron Disease. In this second visit to the Late Late, […]

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What Kate said

This blog first appeared as a column in The Andersonstown News I wonder would Kate Hoey have got on with Terence O’Neill. Somehow, I think not. In May 1969 O’ Neill expressed the view that  “It is frightfully hard to explain to Protestants that if you give Roman Catholics a good job and a good house they will live like Protestants”. In January 2022, writing […]

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Doug gets badly bitten by a plague of tweets

Is Doug Beattie smart? Not very. As a former military man – at which he was very good, being awarded the Military Cross – he would have known you shouldn’t leave your rear end exposed to enemy fire, however tired and emotional you might feel of a Saturday night. Ignoring such Battle 101 rules, he […]

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Irony: Owen P and the DUP just don’t get it.

This blog first appeared as a column in the Andersonstown News If you haven’t already switched on your irony detector, please do so now, as there’s a good chance you may need it before the end of this article. Here’s Owen Paterson, former British Secretary of State to NEI, speaking at the Tory Party conference in October 2011: “I don’t believe anybody can be a […]

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“Resistance to the Act of Union will always remain for us, as long as that Act lasts, a sacred duty; and the methods of resistance will remain for us merely a question of expediency.   Resistance by force of arms would be absolutely justifiable if it were possible.”   The words were those of John Redmond. They surprised me when I […]

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