July, 2022

So you hate the idea of a cashless society…

OK – let me put my cards on the table: I think a moneyless society is inevitable – and, if it were properly run, even desirable. The desirable bit first . Money, when you think about it, is ugly and messy. You may experience  orgasmic pleasure in looking at a bunch of tenners, but don’t […]

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The Protocol Bill by Michael Lagan

The British Government’s NI Protocol Bill passing through Westminster is a controversial piece of legislation that seeks to tear out parts of the NI protocol and override them by using British domestic law and legislation.  While that may all be well and good and if you were British and a Brexiteer that maybe what you […]

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The Irish Times used to have a weekly column by the (very) left-wing journalist Eamonn McCann. When Eamonn was elected to the Assembly, the column was assigned to the Times’s tame unionist (TTU). He has a column in the IT this morning snappily titled ‘Irish Government is obsessed with Brexit Britain despite the risks this […]

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Sammy ‘Heatwave’ Wilson – by Michael Lagan

  Sammy Wilson is a controversial figure I’m sure you’ll agree and I’m unfortunate to have him representing me as an MP, not that he does.  Even within his own constituency, his voters have wild and varied opinions of him.  The more right-wing with controversial views they are, the more they seem to love him. […]

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TIME TO TALK SENSE ABOUT 1922 – by Donal Kennedy

      Once the electorate established Dail Eireann, the conspirational Irish Republican Brotherhood had no further justification for its existence. Arthur Griffith’s great contribution to Ireland was the establishment of Dail Eireann. The Dual Monarchy “resurrection of Hungary” idea was obsolete. Collins reverted to conspiracy. Griffith reverted to his original brainwave. The National Army- […]

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‘Ireland’ and its defence forces

There’s a very  interesting article in today’s Irish Times. The man’s name is Philip Quinlivan, and the articled is titled (in the IT sprawling headline style) “If we are not prepared to defend ourselves we should outsource our security. The writer  used to be in the Irish army and has since left and is a […]

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