The tragic death of a young woman in an Iranian police station who was seen to collapse on CCTV is a devastating blow to her family and friends. We all mourn for the loss of an innocent young woman while we await the official outcome of how she died. While […]
September, 2022
Can Jim fix it?
There is an article in today’s Irish Times, where the speech Jim O’Callaghan will give in the 3 Arena tomorrow is laid out as seven essentials for a united Ireland. (Jim, by the way, is tipped for the leadership of Fianna Fáil when Micheál runs out of road.) Mr O’Callaghan will say […]
Messrs Making a Mess – by Michael Lagan
Messrs Kyle and Woodward set the cat among the pigeons, or indeed the chickens this week, when they individually stated in one way or another that a border poll was closer than many might think. Peter Kyle, the Labour Party Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, to give him his full title, stated […]
Alliance: the raven is in their living-room
As indicated by several guest-bloggers on this site recently, the Alliance Party is getting more and more concerned as the core issue of a border poll is discussed more and more frequently. They always knew that one day, this dark-winged raven would fly in and roost in their living room; now that it has, […]
Alliance Party are constitutionally agnostic only when it suits – Carl Duffy
Alliance has recently declined an invitation to participate in the hotly anticipated Ireland’s Future, ‘Together We Can’ event. They have described the event as a “rally to endorse a united Ireland”. For a party that is ostensibly constitutionally agnostic, perhaps this is an understandable position. When events such as church services marked the […]
Tory economic competence – by Patrick Donnelly
We are constantly regaled with stories as to the greatness of Thatcher and “wot she did for the country”. Lately we have been told daily that the current rate of inflation is the highest in 40 years. Who was in power 40 years ago? It was Margaret. Who would have thought? The reign of […]
Was Rupa right about Kwarteng?
Can there be a more tedious Labour MP than Sir Keir Starmer? As my valued friend and fellow-moaner Pat McArt has said at least once, Starmer looks and sounds like a man who’s had a personality by-pass, with the operation a total success. An example of his tedium: the Labour Party Conference closed, not with […]
ABC Statement Responding to UK Prime Minister’s Remarks – by Mike Cummings
Prime Minister Truss dismissed US threats concerning British undermining of the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) and the Good Friday Agreement (GFA). Although desperate for a US trade deal to bail them out of Brexit, Truss proclaimed Britain needed to do whatever it wished in NI and was not concerned about any US threat […]
British Statement on Potential US-UK Trade Deal – by Mike Cummings
to CongressBrendanBoyle, CongressChrisSmith, CongressDanKildee, CongressDonaldPayneLaverneAlexander, CongressElizabeth, CongressElizabeth, CongressKathleenRice, CongressLongevinRI, CongressMikeQuigley, CongressRepCourtney, CongressDavid, CongressRepLanceGooden, CongressRepresentativeMalliotakis, CongressRepsentativeKeating, CongressSenatorRobertMenendez, CongressSenCharlesSchumerMartinBrennan, CongressStaffHouse, HouseForeignAffairs, HouseWays&Me3ans, MediaContactBrianDonovan, me, mediaIrishAdrian, MediaIrishDianeByrnes, MediapaperKCullen, PoliticalCongressJGonzalez, PoliticalCongressMaryNoonan Dear Friends: While the arrogance of the British Prime Minister is breathtaking, it is not unexpected. Her attitude is if the UK wishes to bully Ireland economically and politically, we will do so without a US-UK trade deal. Why? Because it is more important that Britain retain sovereignty […]
Remember those census figures? Of course you do. Unionist reaction appears to be that they are a signal that everyone in NEI must be respected, allowed to be…happy, in our little stateen. Is that the first thing comes to your mind when you read those census figures? Mmm, me neither. In Italy, a right-wing candidate, […]