ABC Statement Responding to UK Prime Minister’s Remarks – by Mike Cummings



Prime Minister Truss dismissed US threats concerning British undermining of the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) and the Good Friday Agreement (GFA).  Although desperate for a US trade deal to bail them out of Brexit, Truss proclaimed Britain needed to do whatever it wished in NI and was not concerned about any US threat to a potential US trade deal.  She just made it a lot easier for this Administration to address Britain’s lawless legacy bill covering up their crimes in NI and to take other administrative and legal sanctions for ignoring treaty obligations and their serial violations of international law.    


If you think this arrogance is worth confronting and this anti-Irish behavior fighting, please consider joining the ABC to stand up and be counted.  Please visit to understand what is at stake and contact us if you wish to help.  










John M. Corcoran Esq, Chairman 

Michael J.  Cummings, Secretary 



September 22, 2022 





For 100 years British Prime Ministers have proven themselves untrustworthy and untruthful about their governance in Northern Ireland.  Recent remarks by new Prime Minister Liz Truss proves she will be no exception. America supports two allies, the Republic of Ireland and the EU, by demanding Britain abide by its treaty obligations and provisions of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) and the Northern Ireland Protocol (NIP) of the EU-UK Treaty.  Ms. Truss Is having none of it.


The Prime Minister has dismissed America’s effort to link a new US-UK trade deal to Britain’s compliance.   Truss suggested recently that Britain needs to be free to ignore Article II of the EU Constitution, to dismiss the EU remain vote of N. I., to abandon the rule of law, to bury their lawless legacy in N. I., and free to destabilize   Ireland’s democracy and economy to suit royal prerogatives!  Stated Chairman John Corcoran: “This from the country that insists they are ‘special’ and founders of democracy and the rule of law.”   


The PM’s Brexiteer partners loathe the Protocol because in a short time it has given the people of NI a glimpse of the potential prosperity of a re-united Ireland.  The priority PM Truss attaches to the N. I. criminal cover-up bill, which no one in Ireland wants, and her support of loyalist minority veto of a democracy led by Sinn Fein, are insulting to most Americans.   


However, Britain’s hypocrisy continues unabated.  Yesterday, the new Foreign Minister, Mr. Cleverly, assured Secretary of State Antony Blinken of Britain’s support for the GFA and UK Ambassador Karen Pierce at a service for the late Queen noted the affinity between the UK and the US and “our common values.“ Perhaps Secretary Blinken will explain to Prime Minister Truss the priority America gives to those values,” concluded Secretary, Michael Cummings,” which are fully embraced in the GFA and the NIP and his  expectation that Britain will do what is right. After all a US-UK trade deal is but one of many points of leverage that could be employed to ensure Britain has not forgotten just what is ‘right.’ “




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