February, 2023

Jeffrey and Paul explain things to Máirtín

Jeffrey Donaldson and Paul Givan – Givan particularly – have in recent days been loud about the fact that they’ve met with and talked to Dáithí MacGabhann’s family. They presumably  see their conversation as a plus, so I’m wondering what they said.   Jeffrey: As a Christian, I feel your pain, Mr McGowan. Paul:  I’m […]

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Jeffrey and Volodymyr : separated at birth?

I wonder will Jeffrey Donaldson ever meet up with Volodymyr Zelensky? Perhaps they already have: there was Jeffrey in that packed room of British MPs, clapping along with all the other MPs as the man who played the role of President of Ukraine in a hugely popular Ukrainian TV series  appealed to the British MPs […]

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  Over many decades I have read acres of garbage written by Stephen Collins for the Irish Times and its controlling “Trust” established by British Foreign Office spooks and Harold Wilson’s crooked fixer, Lord Goodman, and not one square millimetre of truth, wisdom or wit. Today the paper has published a letter demolishing his claim […]

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Upfront with Katie Hannan and getting sympathy

      We human beings are a rum lot. We react to the plight of others, sometimes with indifference, sometimes with compassion. The odd thing is, if the person comes to us and asks for our compassion, we’re less likely to give it. I found myself in such a position a couple of nights […]

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ChatGPT and a reunited Ireland

I am just off the phone from a conversation with one of my sons who lives in London. We were talking about ChatGPT and as we spoke, he put in these two questions and the result. Amazing. ChatGPT talks more sense in three minutes than 90% of DUP politicians talk in a lifetime… Judge for […]

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SPEAKING OF MANTRAS- a short blog for today by Donal Kennedy

Jude remarked (4 Feb) on mantras, including Tony Blair’s “Education, Education, Education.”   I first took notice of Blair, hearing him on the radio Adressing the Labour Party Conference as Shadow Home Secretary.   He came out with the soundbite “Tough On Crime, Tough on the Causes of Crime.”   I wrote that day to […]

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A united Ireland: don’t be misled

The message is getting through. More and more pundits and columnists are making space for consideration of a border poll and a reunited Ireland. If they’re writing for the Irish Times, the chances are very much that they present such a poll as at best a distant possibility, with northern unionists rejecting reunification and southerners […]

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