Wednesday, 21 June 2023 at 21:28:59 BST
Dear Sir,
On June 1942 Adolf Hitler visited Finland to congratulate the Commander in Chief of that country’s
Armed Forces, Field Marshal Carl Gustav Von Mannerheim on his 75th Birthday.
Hitler’s address was recorded. It is unique because it is the only one where the Fuhrer spoke in a conversational tone.
Neutral Sweden, another state Ireland is urged to emulate, supplied iron ore to the Nazis
throughout the Second World War.
Yours truthfully
Donal Kennedy
The Headline should have read
FINLAND AND SWEDEN during the Second World War
and the text was of a letter sent to THE EDITOR OF THE IRISH TIMES on JUNE 21.
Hitler visited his Finnish Ally on Jue 4th 1942.
My piece was prompted by Seamus Murphy, a Jesuit Priest who is a Professor of Moral Philosophy at
Loyola University in Chicago, a contributor to the “Rite and Reason” column in the Irish Times.
Murphy’s nodding is positively Homeric. He would have you believe that Daniel O’Connell never
shot a man.
Another Irish Times Guru with his ass on an American Chair would lead me to believe that the Yanks
like Cads in their Academies.
Together they suggest the combined integrity of Titus Oates with that of Richard Pigott’