If Sinn Féin does well in the next election in the South, will It find a coalition parner in Fianna Fail? Fine Gael? Or will it be thwarted from being the lead party in government, just as it was last time?
The protests outside the Dail, while covered poorly by RTÉ, brought hundreds onto the streets and put the fear of God into politicians of all parties. Is Ireland going to experience the far-right marauding bands that the US saw, when Congress was stormed by that mob which wanted to find Mike Pence so they could hang him?
Russell Brand’s name has become something that people now spit out with contempt. Is he guilty? Should we not wait until he goes on trial and a judgement is delivered? Or do we have trial by media/mob rule?
Alex Kane the commentator has suggested that, even in a united Ireland, the gulf between unionists and nationalists would continue to disfigure national life. Has he got a point, or do people change with a change of circumstances? What place for Protestants in a new Ireland?
And finally, Lough Neagh. It’s so polluted, one expert says, it’d take twenty years to undo the damage. Is he right?
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