Palestine – by Paddy McCann


Depressing scenes from Gaza, but I believe this is the end of Israel. It’s proven beyond any doubt to be a mortally corrupt state, from their leader down. Many many Jews do not support Zionism. Read ‘The General’s Son’, or Jimmy Carter’s ‘Israel – Apartheid State’.

They have manipulated the West as the West turned a blind eye to the holocaust, so no one dare fault israel, but in the process they’ve become a Frankenstein that the US can no longer control.

If you condemn Israel you’re antisemitic if you’re a Jew you’re a self hating Jew, but they’ve totally overplayed their hand

They haven’t moved into Gaza as yet and my guess is the neighbouring countries will support the Palestinians just as the West supported Ukraine, they would look weak to their own people if they didn’t. That’s why the US and Uk sent warships to the area. Because they know this is Israel’s final push against Gaza. But the US doesn’t have the influence nor the muscle. The US Foreign Secretary is flying around the neighbouring countries and getting nowhere, the Saudi Prince kept him waiting for hours.

Biden won’t go to Israel, he knows in his heart he can’t support them.
Israel only survives due to US billions, but that can’t continue.

I can think of another state that behaved like entitled children: after 100years their main backer slowly started to back away.

And Christians using the bible to justify Israel doesn’t make sense, Jesus -who Christians are meant to follow- did not support Barabas. Barabas fought against the Romans to defend Israel. Jesus was angry at the stiff-necked Israelites, he talked about the only kingdom worth dying for was the Kingdom of Heaven.

The right wing Christians in the 1930s and 40s openly condemned the Jews.

It’s not a religious war, it’s about humanity. The world has moved on and most people are more aware of what’s going on, they can see through religious leaders’ rhetoric.

The same people who support Israel most likely didn’t condemn apartheid in SA.

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