January, 2024


AMERICAN BREXIT COMMITTEE 1313 CHESTNUT STREET, SUITE 1724 PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19103   STATE DEPARTMENT FAILS TO CHALLENGE BRITISH ON LAWLESS LEGACY AND IRISH UNITY     Philadelphia, NYC and Washington, D. C.  January 31— The ABC released a letter today to Secretary of State Blinken critical of the language used in the latest annual Human […]

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Sir Jeff the political genius?

   And so we stumble from the darkness of DUP boycott to the shining light on the hill. Jeffrey has held the feet of the UK and the EU to the fire, and Finchley is only half as British as NEI. Happy days ahead. But wait.  Didn’t Jamie Bryson reduce to farce Jeffrey’s brave and […]

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Donal Kennedy and Erskine Childers (X3)

There were at least 3 ERSKINE CHILDERS   THE RIDDLE OF THE SANDS AUTHOR.   HIS SON WHO BECAME PRESIDENT   HIS GRANDSON (1929-66) who debunked the ZIONIST account of the 1948 incidents,   I wrote an elegant piece of BULLSHIT and have admitted to it.   Sorry to all concerned.

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An Irish Journalist in Palestine in 1948 by Donal Kennedy

    An Irish journalist In Gaza, reporting for a British publication, reported what he saw. The British publication apparently published his account, trusting to its veracity.   He survived the experience, became a Fianna Fail TD, Minister and Tanaiste and finished his career as Uachtarain na hEireann.   His name was ERSKINE CHILDERS.   […]

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A + B + C: look out for the sucker punch, A!

You probably heard about that  recent Daily Telegraph article, which claimed that the UK government would avoid new laws which would increase the trading differences between Britain and NEI. OK, the Windsor Framework ensures there’s a sizeable gap already – NEI has access to the EU Single Market, the UK does not. But there won’t […]

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      I’ve been browsing through “DRAWING CONCLUSIONS”  A Cartoon History of Anglo-Irish Relations 1798-1998.   Anti-Irish cartoonists portrayed us as apes, and Frankenstein Monsters  throughout the two centuries covered. I can recall Lord Hailsham referring to Republicans as “Baboons”. Perhaps he was trying to compensate for the misfortune of his own porcine, surname […]

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RTÉ, yo’ breakin’ mah heart…and my wallet

      The fact that I never really connected with the Toy Show probably explains the irresponsible and irratioinal glee I  feel at the mess the Toyshow Musical people have got themselves into. Not only did they come up with a twee idea that blew up in their faces and cost the licence fee […]

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      BELOW IS THE TEXT OF A LETTER OF MINE PUBLISHED IN THE IRISH POST IN EARLY 1983:     ” A recent television programme on war propaganda revealed that Goebbels modelled his approach on British World War I propaganda. Certainly my late father disbelieved the first revelations of the barbarity of Auschwitz […]

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