Barry Cowen of Fianna Fail is thinking of running to become an MEP. If he runs and succeed, Micheal Martin will be rid of him in domestic politics – BUT, he will then face a by-electopm for Cowen’s seat, which he may lose. Rock and hard place?
On RTE radio on Sunday morning, Derryman Jim Sharkey remembered being the first Irishman to open a consulate in the USSR in the early 1970s. When he returned years later as Irish ambassador to Russia, Moscow was a changed place. Pat and I discuss his broadcast.
Denis Bradley was part of a ‘back channel’ during the Troubles. He has a book out describing that time. Neither Pat nor I has read the book, but that doesn’t stop us discussing the matter. And no, fools DON’T rush in where angels fear to tread.
This and so much more…
Hi Jude
as per usual a great listen , refreshing, truthful and to the point. Get yourselves a platform on You Tube so that you can broaden your audience and allow the true Irish Northern Nationalist voice be heard ..
Take Care