American Brexit Committee Chairman John Corcoran Esq. (PA) has released letters sent to Biden Administration officials urging a new policy of holding Britain accountable for its murderous mendacity in N. I. “For the past 14 years,” stated Corcoran,” the Labor Party has willingly collaborated with the Conservatives in Brexit bullying the Irish Republic, embraced Britain’s poisonous Legacy laws, and consistently supported prevarication from the principles of the new Atlantic Charter and the Good Friday Agreement. Time for a change.”
Stated Dan Dennehy (NY): “If there is to be real change in Britain’s position on N. I. and relations with the Republic of Ireland, please God let it be one of transformation NOT one of tinkering with partition.”
“Britain’s abandoning of the rule of law,” noted John Conway (OH), “with the loathsome Legacy (2023) and SpyCop (2021) laws, both supported by Labor, must be reversed. We implore the Biden Administration and Congress to use a ‘best practices’ approach to induce change. Britain has proven to be an untrustworthy partner in the search for a stable peace with justice and the rule of law in Ireland. Any proposed US-UK trade deal must not be a bailout from the folly of Brexit but a ‘trade for truth’ spanning a century of lies.”
“Brexit has changed everything,” acknowledged John Foley (MA), “and a new collaboration with the U. S., the EU and the UK could end the relic of a colonial garrison in Europe. Instead of the Conservatives past cries of “Get Brexit Done,” we must now hear Labor’s Get Ireland One and Done.”
Ms. Sarah McAuliffe- Bellin (PA) observed: “In a world of so many violent and intractable conflicts, the abomination of Ireland’s partition stands out as one capable of being easily and peacefully —not piecemeal—resolved especially with leadership at the White House and in the EU. With the return of the 6 Irish counties and the removal of the so-called subvention that Britain ‘spends’ on the NI garrison Britain could improve the economic prospects for Britain’s Brexit recovery and the EU-US could achieve new respect for proving their commitment to the principles of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and transparency. It would be a foreign policy equivalent of a win-win.”
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 215-280-3711, or
Current and Potential American Leaders and Wannabe Leaders in the White House, Congress and
Cabinets should not inspire hope or respect in any reasonable or ethical human being.
Together with most EU leaders they are partners in crime with the Zionist regime which has
out-Heroded Herod and out-Hitlered Hitler in the murder and torture of innocents and Gaza,
and supports an unprovoked war on Russia.
The foul-mouthed Victioria Nuland, Obama’s Under-Secretary of State was recorded saying “FUCK
THE EU” when she nominated the Clown Zelenski” to lead the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev.