Can we trust the Labour government with money? – by Patrick Donnelly

Governments don’t borrow from financial markets  Governments don’t borrow from financial markets (
Government deficits create private wealth Government deficits create private wealth (
Bet you didn’t know that. Sir Scammer and Rachet up the Misery don’t appear to know it. It’s weird how Rachet can have two economic degrees and a stint at the Bank of England and still not appear to understand double-entry accounting in regard to the government’s role in the country’s monetary system. Is she simply a shill for the rich or just plain dumb? Does it matter she’s undermining the country socially and economically?
Labour will maintain child poverty, or increase it. It will penalise pensioners so that its books might be “balanced”. It has abandoned programmes that could deliver tens of thousands of skilled jobs working in the communities of the UK delivering green energy. And it has made clear that it does not want to tax the rich. Austerity is returning and with it low growth. Plus ça change.
Thomas Piketty wrote about the economics of the Jane Austen era, where the National Debt created to fight France funded the lifestyles of The Upper Class.  Warms the cockles of your ‘eart it does.
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