September, 2024

Elected and non-elected leaders

Somebody should tip off the Labour Party in Britain about the law of unintended consequences. There are 92 hereditary peers in the House of Lords. There were a  lot more, but Tony Blair  as PM trimmed that back to 92 in 1999; now this present British Labour Party under Keir Starmer plans to flush out […]

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Rejoice – it took only 35 years

Sometimes words cannot carry the weight of events or decisions. They buckle, they crumble under the weight of what has happened. Which is why I find myself open-mouthed and near-speechless by today’s announcement by the British government that there will be a public inquiry into the shooting dead in 1989 of Pat Finucane in front […]

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An advertisement in the current (and Splendid) September/October HISTORY IRELAND is headed The Eclectic Collector.   It features a photo of a man in British Army Officer’s Uniform beside three medals with ribbons (which are for sale), described as “1920 (21st November) British War Medals to Captain G.T.Baggallay, assassinated by Michael Collins’  ‘Squad’  on ‘Bloody Sunday.’   Whytes concede, […]

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Anonymous Letters by Joe McVeigh

  Over many years, since I started commenting on matters social and religious, I have received many anonymous letters in the post. At one time some anonymous letters referring to me appeared in the newspapers. I think that most newspapers have stopped this unprofessional practice. Since the invention of the internet I have received anonymous […]

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