If it works for you
Calling me a Prod from the North.
A big hun, some mother’s son
From the north of the city.
For it’s a real pity that Belfast
Has to be so shamed by yourself
And the soft sectarianism
Of it all, the smallness of your bark
And your wee cliques.
Weakness from the shadows
Amongst the arts and crafty.
With a wealth of choice
You opt for the dumbest punt.
Generosity is a gift to a child
But that’s a wild wren
In the Christmas tree branches.
The fact that you can’t see me
But you can only see yourself
To shave in the mornings.
What would the chances
Of that bee?
Orange or otherwise.
Big or small
You’ve attached your label to me.
Your label, not mine.
It’s an auld whine of yours.
Is that the best you have
To only see me as a PROD?
Someone to put down and cancel.
I have a handle on it now.
Another tall sunflower
In the wrong soil.
A northern Irish artist.
What a whinging piece of self pity and self obsession. The poor Northern misfit. The most oppressed people ever.
I just see a fellow Irishman, and care not a hoot about religion.
Thank you Jude. I enjoy reading your articles and this is the first time that I have come across an article that does not demonise the PUL community and allows a northern Prod to speak for himself or herself.
Go raibh maith agat.
I’ve had Protestant friends, all my life, including Unionist ones, even Orangemen an ex-B Special.
In London for the past 60 years I’ve foud that people born in Ireland when they first come here gravitate
towards anyone with an Irish accent.
I don’t call Protesants ” “Prods”.
But I shun Pricks from the Sticks.
I have lived all over Ireland – Derry, Cork, Larne, Belfast – and I will continue to call out bigotry and commend peace-building wherever I see it. Shun whoever you please.