In Part 1 I recalled how while in Britain’s Consular service Roger Casement discovered
the criminality of the war planned on Germany, and Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward
Grey planned to have him murdered in 1915.
Grey got his way in 1916 when an English Jury in the Old Bailey found him guilty of High Treason. Prosecuting Casement was F.E.Smith (the later Lord Birkenhead) who from 1912
until 1914 supported an armed Ulster Freikorps threatening war against the British Government.
The position today is no less bizarre. On March 21 2023 my BLOG – “THE ONLY WAY
IS ETHICS” revealed that CRAIG MURRAY, a former British Ambassador, resigned his
IS ETHICS” revealed that CRAIG MURRAY, a former British Ambassador, resigned his
post because of Britain’s aggressive promotion of war in Europe, and found himself, and those who agreed with him “not only barred from mainstream media and confined to corners of gthe internet and then heavily suppressed on social media – we can’t even have freedom of assembly………two established left-wing venues have cancelled a
‘No 2 NATO’ meetings I am addressing in London on 25th February . Conway Hall
(South Place Ethical Society) reasons for cancellation include threats to funding and
fears for the safety of staff
Twenty minutes ago (Sunday 3rd November 2,024 I, Donal Kennedy, after starting
this BLOG discovered that on Wednesday 30th October 2024 was arrested and held by general security in Lebanon and told not to report from there until he received the proper permits
More to follow
It was CRAIG MURRAY who was arrested in Lebanon last week pending permission to report from
that danger spot.
Like Roger Casement he is a heroic figure whom the British Government and its fellow genocidal
regimes are anxious to silence.
My husband’s grandfather was one of the Kerrymen who walked over the Conor Pass from Ballyferriter to Banna Strand near Tralee on Holy Saturday, 1916 … expecting the arrival of a ship with German arms for the Rising. The Parish Priest, after Easter Midnight Mass followed the rebels on a bicycle in atrocious weather. They talked about how ill Sir Roger Casement was when he was arrested, apparently from a recurrence of malaria, and they prayed for his recovery. He was taken on the train to Dublin and from there to London, where he was hanged. God rest his brave soul.