Browsing through the TV channels the other night I came across a film clip
of “Dick Barton Special Agent” made in 1949. I had not known that any
film had been made about the Radio Hero who used feature on the BBC
every Monday to Friday from 6.45 to 7.00 PM repeats on Saturday
Morning for 2 hours with its signature tune “The Devil’s Gallop.” In the
Morning for 2 hours with its signature tune “The Devil’s Gallop.” In the
Summer, I and my compatriot age group in our droves would rush home
to enjoy it with our teas, until, to our horror the feature was axed, to be
replaced by THE ARCHERS, BBC Yokel Radio.
In those days Radio Eireann came on the air at 5 or 5.30 PM on weekdays
and for sport some of the afternoons at the weekends, (with religious services
on Sundays.
While cheering Imperial agents, republican citizens were as ignorant as most
of our British neighbours were as clueless as most Britons, of the savage
genocidal campaign unleashed on the people of Malaya,hidden by the
Euphemism “Emergency” by the Genocidalists.
After watching the “Dick Barton” clip I stumbled on a a rerun of “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum”.
It came with the warning that attitudes displayed reflected those of its time and were
likely to offend younger generations. But it made no mention of the horrors visited
by the British on the civilian population.
In 1952 “THE DAILY WORKER” printed photographs of Royal Marines holding the decapitated heads of Malayans by the Hair. I’m advised that in Belfast the RUC seized copies of the paper. In London the Connolly Association’s IRISH DEMOCRAT reproduced the photos
For years the British Government, expert on forgeries, denounced the pictures.
But, after a few years they admitted that they were genuine.
Most of what I have written above was gleaned from WIKIPEDIA.
As was the revelation that the Welfare State was made possible by the theft of
Rubber and Tin from MALAYA.
It ain’t half funny, Mum?
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