The world we live in is going through an uncertain time. DJ Trump is now in power in the USA as 47th president. He and his ‘buddies’ present a real threat to peace and justice for the poor and vulnerable. We are living in difficult times -with wars, terrible disasters some the result of Climate change, violence against women, the scourge of cancer, the dreadful poverty and hunger, the drugs trade—all causing great fear and confusion for millions of people-especially the poor and the homeless. It is a time to support one another in whatever ways we can.
Most of the wars and conflicts in the world are caused by greed. There are greedy business people like Musk and greedy people like Trump who get into power -mostly by brainwashing people and using vast amounts of money to gt into power. These men feel they have a right to do what they like to stay in power. They want to control the world’s economy especially the OIL reserves. It does not matter how many suffer or how many are forced to live in poverty or flee their homes. Those who control the world do not care about the poor. They do not care about the destruction of the environment or climate change.
What are we to do when faced with such a terrible situation of injustice and indifference to human suffering? What are we human beings to do in circumstances like these?
We have to be people of Hope. Hope is not wishful thinking or superficial optimism. Hope is a deeply rooted spiritual value nourished through prayer and solidarity with those working for justice in the world. Pope Francis says that we are called to be PILGRIMS OF HOPE. We are on a journey together travelling in hope that we can build a better world. Pope Francis has called for a Jubilee year of Prayer to bring the Hope of Christ to this troubled and dark world.
The reality is that things can change. History teaches us that things do change and sometimes for the better which is all we can hope for on this planet. We can never afford to lose hope or give in to despair or think that everything is hopeless and there is nothing we can do. We can never concede that everything is hopeless, that nothing will ever change.
There were times in our own recent history in Ireland when we could have given up hope of there ever being a peaceful resolution here. Some people persisted believing that change is possible and as a result great changes-for the better- have already come about in this country. From a religious perspective there is always Hope in the Word of God, in solidarity with the poor and oppressed and in the power of prayer.
I am grateful to Pope Francis for reminding us to keep Hope alive -hope in a new world for the young and for future generations. Many are already engaged in this great work in homes and parishes and communities here in Ireland and across the world. We all have a part to play in being pilgrims of Hope.
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