Peace or sticking-plaster?

So peace has broken out in the Middle East. Israel is taking a rest from its genocidal exertions, although according to the BBC,  ‘the  Israel-Palestine war’ is suspended. Sometimes fake efforts to suggest that Hamas has been an equal opponent over the last 15 months verge on the delusional.


Will this transform the Middle East? I doubt it. Brute fact: in 1948, Israel was established by booting Palestinians off their land. Since then, Israel has broken the terms of its establishment by degrading and killing Palestinians when they appeared;  Netanyahu is a war criminal. But all of that will be quietly shelved as Israel the Peacemaker emerges from the tanks it has used to shell Gaza into the Stone Age.


It’s good that no more Palestinian lives will be lost, apart from the increased ferocity we’ll see between now and Sunday. “Kill Palestinians and kill big” will be the order, just so they see Israel going into negotiations as powerful and murderous as ever.


One word of caution to the Israeli conquerors: word is, Hamas may have been destroyed, but not before as many new recruits were drawn to Hamas, replacing those killed by Israel.


This is a sticking plaster, people, when major surgery is required. And that surgery should start with the arrest and trial of Netanyahu as a war criminal.  

2 Responses to Peace or sticking-plaster?

  1. James Hunter January 16, 2025 at 3:26 pm #

    Very good jude free Palestine

  2. Surveyor January 21, 2025 at 9:40 pm #

    The neighbouring Arab, Muslim countries don’t even want anything to do with Palestine. That speaks volumes for me.