Author Jude Collins

What kind of person killed taxi-driver Michael McGoldrick?

Clifford McKeown, who shot dead Catholic taxi-driver Michael McGoldrick  during the Drumcree crisis of 1996,  died on Tuesday. A member of the UVF, he had served  a long prison sentence for the murder of Michael McGoldrick whom he killed during the Drumcree dispute. Mr McGoldrick had graduated not long before with a degree from Queen’s […]

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Donald’s cunning plan

    My immediate reaction to Donald Trump’s plan for Gaza was, to a degree, one of admiration. There is no doubt that he is thinking about this terrible problem in ways not thought of before. My more considered reaction was that, if he’s serious about his plan, he should consult with a psychiatrist as […]

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Boy on the Bike.By Randall Stephen Hall.

yHave we lost our focusUpon that other day.Upon Bloody Friday?For it sits on the dark side of the moon.While the sun’s rays, the raging coreAlways the IlluminationThe media attentionUpon Bloody Sunday.Well deserved, but . . .Should we think about that other dayNever mind Enniskillen and Omagh?Can we talk about that inconsistency?Can we walk awhile, with […]

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The Omagh bomb: Say Nothing

I’ve just been listening to part of an RTÉ Radio One report on the  Omagh Bomb Inquiry being conducted at present. As often happens, the details of those killed are appalling – a woman blown to bits,   identifiable only by a shoe and her fingerprint. People planning a fortieth wedding anniversary but meeting death instead. […]

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Dither, death and the A5

  There’s another hold-up on the A5. Not a traffic jam, not  people lying in the road because they are ecology warriors, not civil service inefficiency (although I suspect there was a bit of that last one). It’s just that there appear to have been objections, presumably by farmers whose land will be disrupted by […]

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