Does Nigel Dodds think the people in our sweet statelet are mentally defective? That they will accept that what was declared black yesterday is today white, simply because he says it is? You’ll remember that Theresa May’s deal was sunk because it included a backstop which would have made an economic distinction between our sordid […]
Tag Archives | Theresa May
Talking of Mrs May
Person 1 : I see Theresa May has taken to visiting different places at a dizzying rate. What’s all that about? Person 2: She’s hoping it will help her in the House of Commons vote on her Brexit agreement with the EU. Person 1: Then why’s she trotting round the UK? Person 2: She is hoping […]
Dominic’s big moment
“Hooray for the fudge!” That’s what Dominic Raab, Britain’s chief Brexit negotiator, was saying as he pulled on his trousers and headed hot-foot to Brussels yesterday. After so may weeks and months (and years) of those Johnny Foreigners acting high-and-mighty about the bloody Irish back-stop, they were now seeing sense and accepting – as Britain had […]
To lose one Cabinet minister is unfortunate, to lose two looks like carelessness
As Oscar Wilde almost said, to lose one Cabinet minister is unfortunate, to lose two looks like carelessness. We were still drawing our breath at the exit over Brexit by David Davis, when word arrived that Boris Johnson had taken his ball and gone home as well. It looked as if the British government was […]
Karen: cough up the criteria, please
The cliché is that Brexit has changed everything. Indeed. But you could have knocked me down with a q-tip this morning, when I heard Malachi O’Doherty announce that he would be open to the possibility of voting for a united Ireland because of Brexit. On the same radio programme, Declan Kearney of Sinn Féin said […]
Attack on Syria: they did it their way
“Locked and loaded” – it has a nice final sound to it, doesn’t it. Like the du-clunk of an expensive car being locked. Except “locked and loaded “ wasn’t used by some car-owner, it was used by Nikki Haley (not, as far as we know, related to the great Bill), US ambassador to the […]
Did you say it wasn’t Russia? How dare you! Booooh!
Sometimes, when I hear the words that come from the mouths of respected public figures, I want to put my head in my hands and weep. Because they either haven’t a grasp on what constitutes logical argument, or they do have a grasp and choose to ignore it. Yesterday in the House of Commons was […]
Theresa, Sergei and the nerve stuff
How dumb does the British government think people are? Yes I know – there are so many possibilities to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start. I’m starting with Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Sergei, you’ll know, was a British-Russian spy, and when he and his daughter were in Salisbury, they were subjected […]
The EU says “Enough with the ambiguity. Let’s address the bare, brutal facts, Theresa”
Appropriately enough, the Germans have a word for it – Der Tag,The Day. This is the day when the car containing the Tories and the DUP comes hurtling towards the EU wall of reality. How to devise a frictionless border? Easy, the EU is saying, in clear legal language: let the north of Ireland remain […]
‘Human rights and human wrongs’ by Eamonn MacDermott
Theresa May has threatened to bring in legislation to deal with the heightened so called ‘terrorist threat’ in England in light of the recent attacks there. She has said that she will ‘rip up human rights legislation’ that stand in the way of her new laws although she has yet to spell out what those […]